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他马马虎虎地修理我的旧钟。He tinkered with my old clock.

不,不怎么好。马马虎虎,谢谢。No, nothing much. So-so, thanks.

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这只是马马虎虎在软件方面。It was just so-so on the software side.

它们看起来很引人注意,但从审美和句法角度来讲却是马马虎虎。Grammatically and aesthetically it can look sloppy.

他跪在溪边,马马虎虎地盥洗了一下。Kneeling beside the stream, he made a rough toilet.

不要马马虎虎地对待这个问题,好好回答。Don't palter with this question, answer it properly.

他学习马马虎虎,很不用功。He learned carelessly and was not hard-working at all.

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不要因为时间仓促而马马虎虎。Don’t scamp your work because you are pressed for time.

马马虎虎。你还在原来的公司上班吗?B. Just so-so. Are you still working at your old company?

他由于做作业时马马虎虎而受到申斥。He was castigated for his carelessness in doing homework.

这样马马虎虎的工作习惯决不能生产出优质产品来。Such slovenly work habits will never produce good products.

他干起活来马马虎虎,既不当心,又不认真。He does his work anyhow, without taking any care or trouble over it.

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这件事可不能马马虎虎地滑过去,咱们公开讨论讨论吧。This is not a matter that can be slid over, let us discuss it openly.

但是,我的朋友玛丽说,我穿上也不怎么太好看,效果马马虎虎,所以我没买。But my friend Mary said it looked just so-so on me, so I didn't buy it.

但她为难看的壶盖而缄默,因为壶盖破了,裂了,被马马虎虎的粘了起来。But she hushed up about her ugly lid that was broken, cracked and glued loosely.

你熟悉定向井工艺技术?知道一些。马马虎虎。Do you acquaint with directional well craft the technique? Yes, know some. So so.

以前我们享受的工作就会变得机械,我们做事就会马马虎虎懒心懒意。Our formerly enjoyable job can become rote, our execution sloppy and halfhearted.

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去年早些时候,他就开始投资黄金,回报充其量只能算马马虎虎。He started investing in gold early last year, and returns were lackluster at best.

产品出厂要严格检查,马马虎虎可不行。Products must be strictly, not carelessly, inspected before they leave the factory.

他老是磨磨蹭蹭,马马虎虎,可是脾气又是好得惊人,因而,我们对他毫无办法。He is always slow and careless but his temper is so good that we have no means to him.