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不过追赶一条死狗,一个虼蚤就是了。A dead dog? A flea?

他追赶那个男孩。He made after the boy.

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她在他后面匆忙地追赶着。She scuffled after him.

卢卡·布拉西追赶他们。Luca Brasi went after them.

那窃贼用刀刺追赶他的人。The thief knifed his chaser.

怀疑是敌人,追赶它,消灭它。Doubt is an enemy. Go after it.

于是基哈西追赶乃缦。So Gehazi hurried after Naaman.

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于是基哈西追赶乃缦。So Gehazi followed after Naaman.

然而对这种情况有一种追赶。There’s a catch to this however.

我们开始沿小路追赶。We gave chase along the footpath.

仅仅附以签条沿着直到你追赶。Just tag along until you catch up.

哈里骑上马追赶他。Harry rode on a horse to purse him.

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她像个疯女人似地追赶他。She made after him like a mad woman.

狗在追赶受伤的鹿。The dogs went after the wounded deer.

早上,它常跟在我后面奔跑着追赶我。It often runs after me in the morning.

妳告诉我妳必须走了,我开始疾步追赶妳。You tell me to go, I start walkin out.

在这里,我们追赶着时尚旳脚步。Here, we pursue the steps, the fashion.

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骑兵追赶逃跑的败兵。The cavalry coursed the fleeing troops.

那侦探追赶一个窃贼。The detective took out after a burglar.

在后面追赶的家伙“逼得太紧”了!The guy behind is too close for comfort!