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我们兜了个圈子又回到原处。We have come full circle.

在这里我们又回到了原处。Here's where we come full circle.

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骑警同意让他呆在原处不动。The trooper agreed to let him stay put.

落地式大摆钟已放回原处了。The grandfather clock was back in its old place.

因此我心战兢、从原处移动。At this my heart pounds and leaps from its place.

在尸体原处她们发现了一株美丽的花。In its place the nymphs found a beautiful flower.

请将卡片正确插回卡片箱内原处。Will you please tell me how to use the card catalogue?

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即使把目标物体移走,婴儿还会将手伸向原处It's moved, reach, follow, keeps reaching the same place.

因此我心战兢,从原处移动。At this also my heart trembleth, and is moved out of his place.

「你就坐在原处,不许动,」高个子对我说道。"You sit where you are and don't move, " the tall one said to me.

一个已一半坍塌了的学校,教室内的桌子和黑板还在原处。A half-collapsed school is there, desks and blackboards still in place.

一个大型的并吞将会破坏星盘,而在原处留下一个椭圆星系。A major merger wipes out the disk and leaves an elliptical galaxy in its place.

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他仍然僵硬地坐在原处,呼吸很浅,所有的感官都充满了警惕。He continued to sit rigidly , his breathing shallow, all of his senses alarmed.

你若不悔改,我就临到你那里,把你的灯台从原处挪去。If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.

你们可以把所有使用过的专用东西放回原处并把工作场地的清洁搞一下。You can put back in place all the special tools you've used and clean the work site.

你若不悔改,我就临到你那里“,“把你的灯台从原处挪去If not,I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from its place unless you repent.

她的目标和我一样——让我的牙齿尽量长时间地留在原处。Her goal was the same as mine – for my teeth to remain in situ for as long as possible.

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城镇中任何相对可以自立不倒的建筑主体仍屹立在原处,但是它们全部都被荒废在那了,等着沦为废墟。The staples of any relatively self-sustained town are there, but left completely to ruin.

甚至他日记本上那粒发白的泥尘,他们也小心地放回在原处。As previously explained, all debits and credits in the ledger are posted from the journal.

鲁西平原处于黄泛平原的尾闾地段,常受旱涝盐咸多种危害。The plain of west Shandong province is located at the end of the Yellow River flood-plain.