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改正错误。Correct mistakes.

看来我得改正过来。I stand corrected.

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其中之一是改正错字。One is correcting typos.

改正错误的句子。Correct the false sentences.

改正2幕雇佣工气氛。Altered Act 2 Hireling Auras.

如有拼写错误,请予改正。Correct my spelling if it's wrong.

我要让她号叫着改正她说过的话!I'll make her howl a recantation!'

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我已把所有的错误都改正过来了。I've had all my mistakes corrected.

承认错误就等于改正一半。A fault confessed is half redressed.

承认错误,等于改正一半。A fault confessed is half redressed.

作者已经改正了校样。The author had corrected the proofs.

知道了,尽快错误改正过来!Know, as soon as the error corrected!

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认错改正一半错。Confession of a fault make half amend.

有的时候,我能自己改正过来。Sometimes, I can correct it by myself.

改正模型中所有不匹配之处。Correct any mis-alignment in the model.

你可以帮我改正过来吗?Do you think you could help me fix them?

看看你失分的地方并改正它。Look at where you lost points and fix it.

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如有拼写错误,请予改正。Is that the correct spelling of"schedule"?

在以下步骤中将改正这些错误。We correct these errors in the next steps.

承认错误等于改正了一半。Confessing a fault makes half amends for it.