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她就是那么眨巴眼的。And that was her way to wink.

她眨巴眨巴眼,然后转过头来面对我。She blinks, then turns her face toward me.

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他向她眨巴一下眼睛走出了教室。He winked his eyes at her and left the classroom.

“每次都管用,”司机眨巴了一下眼睛说。"Works every time, " the driver said with a wink.

那支耗子好象眨巴着一只小眼睛。The mouse seemed to wink with one of its little eyes.

这个动作骚扰了奥斯卡,它眨巴着眼睛,盯着凯西看。The movement stirred Oscar, who blinked and looked at Kathy.

我希望你眨巴之前,我做的,我希望我永远清醒了。And I hope you blink before I do, and I hope I never get sober.

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我坐在那看着克里克先生,好象一个小夜猫子一样,冲着他直眨巴眼儿。I sit with my eye on Mr. Creakle, blinking at him like a young owl.

画家转向站在阳光里眨巴眼睛的仆人。The painter turned to his servant, who stood blinking in the sunlight.

弗莱契还在那里眨巴眼睛,弄不明白怎么会一下子换了地方,‘你刚才干什么来着?Fletcher still blinked from the change of scene. “What did you just do?

猪崽子一面取下眼镜朝衬衫上擦擦,一面眼睛眨巴眨巴地看着与会者。Piggy took offhisglasses and blinked at assembly while he wiped them onhisshirt.

她最终成功了,眼睛眨巴眨巴,闪烁着喜悦。Baby finally succeeds and the victory is clearly visible in baby's sparkling eyes.

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想和一只不熟悉的猫咪做朋友,当你看着它眼睛的时候眨巴眨巴眼睛然后转开。To make friends with an unfamiliar cat, blink and look away when you catch his eyes

猪崽子一面取下眼镜朝衬衫上擦擦,一面眼睛眨巴眨巴地看着与会者。Piggy took off his glasses and blinked at the assembly while he wiped them on his shirt.

现在,坐在福特旁边的人已经有点烂醉了,他的眼睛眨巴着看着福特。The man sitting next to Ford was a bit sozzled by now. His eyes waved their way up to Ford.

明亮的午后的阳光晃得他睁不开眼睛,他眨巴眨巴地力图使自己的眼睛适应亮光。He stood blinking in the bright sun of midafternoon , trying to adjust his eyes to the light.

突然他的眼睛眨巴了一下,仿佛看到了什么撩乱或惊扰他眸子的东西似的。Suddenly his eye gave a blink, as if it had met something that either dazzled or shocked its pupil.

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当计算机首次启动孕穗错误的是另一本构成指标进行了眨巴。Booting errors when the computer first start's up is another indicator of this component going on the blink.

那双龙眼眨巴着经营的水气,盯着小狐乌七八黑略显狼狈的脸。That longan blinks to anticipate treatment of water spirit, gaze at small fox black 78 black slightly distress face.

一个人在清醒时不可能老是盯着或注视某一物体,他至少准会眨巴眨巴眼睛。When one is awake, he cannot fix his eyes or his attention constantly on a single object. He must blink, if nothing else.