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侧柏提取物一般从叶子中制成。A Thuja extract is usually made from the foliage.

有近2万亩的油松、侧柏天然林带。Nearly 2 million mu of Chinese pine, with natural oriental arborvitae.

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其中的一些山上坐落着橄榄树和成排的侧柏环绕的房子,而这些侧柏通往这座房子。On some of them stood houses surrounded by olives and rows of cypresses leading to the house.

结果表明侧柏叶及炮制品均含有丰富的无机元素。The results showed that Cacumen Biotae and its processed products contain rich inorganic elements.

徐州市云龙山景观以单一的侧柏纯林为主。The forest landscape is artificial platycladus orientalis forest in Yunlong Mountain in Xuzhou City.

从树种选择的试验中看出,侧柏、元宝枫和刺槐对种基盘造林的适宜性更强。Platycladus orientalis, Acer truncatum and Robinia pseudoacacia have a better adaptation by use of the seed-bases.

在黄土半干旱区侧柏具有比白榆更强的适应能力。Compared with Ulmus pumila, Platycladus orientalis showed stronger adjustability in the semi-arid area of Loess Plateau.

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DCA排序结果表明制约侧柏群落不同群丛分布的主要因素是坡度和坡向。The results of DCA ordination indicated that the main factors that restricted community distribution were aspect and slope.

本文以侧柏种源试验为例,将典型相关分析用于种源研究。Canonical correlation analysis was applied in provenance research with data from provenance trials of Platycladus orientalis.

卷柏是地被层的唯一植物,在侧柏纯林和混交林中分布都很广,在林下植物中占有重要地位。Selaginella broadly distributes in the mixed and pure forests, and it holds an important position among understory vegetations.

行为试验发现侧柏饵木对双条杉天牛有很强的引诱作用。Behavioral tests revealed that Semanotus bifasciatus was easy to be attracted to its host trees species, Platycladus orientalis.

目的从侧柏叶中分离纯化活性成分总黄酮并探讨其对5-脂氧合酶的抑制作用。OBJECTIVE To isolate total flavonoids from the leaf of Platychadus orientalis and investigate its inhibition for 5-lipoxygenase.

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冬季的侧柏切片,其超声发射信号量和持续时间均比夏季的少,幅度、振铃计数和上升时间差别不大。The amount of signals and duration were smaller than in summer, and amplitude, rise-time, ringing counts were not very different.

现存污染条件下,黄帝陵侧柏不会死亡,但生长将受到影响,同时也严重影响黄帝陵的自然景观。About existing condition, the Platycladus orientalis at Huangdi Tomb could not be killed, but their growth and scenery will be affected.

落日带着它金色的余辉,只碰触到一两堆云朵,但是那些云看起来就像深色的侧柏一样坚实。The setting sun, with its golden light, was touching only one or two mountains of cloud, but those clouds seemed as solid as the dark cypress.

侧柏们庄严而孤寂,但是那些花树却轻拂着,枝条碰枝条,而成排的杨树正投下摇曳的树影。The cypresses were stately and aloof, but the flowering trees were touching, branch to branch, and rows of poplars were casting swaying shadows.

运用灰色关联分析法,对红柳、侧柏和合头草等3个树种的抗旱性与9项抗旱指标的相关性进行了分析。Applying the method of grey correlative analysis, the correlation of drought resistance of 3 species and 9 drought resistance indexes was analyzed.

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侧柏人工林群落的物种丰富度指数随恢复时间的增长呈逐渐增加的趋势。The species richness indices of Placladus oriental's plantation community indicated a gradually increase according to the extension of recovery time.

对陕北黄土区森林地带的侧柏种群结构和动态进行了探讨。This paper deals with the structure and dynamics of Platycladus orientalis population at the forest area in loess plateau of northern Shaanxi Province.

采用遗传算法,利用该模型对珍稀植物长苞铁杉和侧柏生长资料分别进行了拟合。According to the genetic algorithms method, this model was used to fit the growth data of endangered plant of Tsuga longibracteata and Platycladus orientalis.