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它们认为这是嬉闹。They think this is hilarious.

太阳嬉闹,月华盈盈。The sportive sun, the gibbous moon.

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孩子们在草坪上嬉闹。The children were romping about on the lawn.

别在你爸爸身边嬉闹,他现在正忙呢。Don't hoyden around your father, he's busy now.

我们在地板上玩耍嬉闹,我赢了。We were fighting on the floor and I was winning.

上海滩多民族演员与能源嬉闹。The multiethnic cast frolics on the beach with energy.

请文明锻炼,不要大声喧哗、嬉闹。Please genteelly do exercise, do not make much loud noise.

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说话声、欢笑声、唱歌声、嬉闹声,响遍了整个的海滩。Voice, laughter, singing, playing sound, all over the beach.

临池的树木倒映季节的色彩,浅浅的池水,让孩子安全地玩耍嬉闹。Is a good place for kids to play safely in the colorful season.

这只幼鹰和鸡一起啄食、嬉闹和休息。The baby hawk and chickens pecking, playfulness and rest together.

此时的蒂米已经开始学步,同他的外祖父一道在海边的浪花里戏水嬉闹。Timmy, now a toddler, splashed in the surf with his grand- father.

旁边是小小的游乐场,荡秋千的孩子们快活嬉闹,互不相扰。Beside them there was a small entainment park, where kids were playing swing.

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不要逢迎奉承,对于不喜嬉闹的人不要与其嬉闹。Be no flatterer, neither play with anyone that delights not to be played with.

一群小孩子们在外面的操场上嬉闹着,一架纸飞机从头顶呼啸而过。Kids are yelling in the playground outside. A paper airplane whizzes overhead.

我忘记束起我的头发,慵懒的微风在我腮上与它一起嬉闹。I had forgotten to braid my hair. The languid breeze played with it upon my cheek.

我看到过一些信用卡广告里面人们在绿色田野中嬉闹。I’ve seen a few credit card advertisements with people frolicking in green fields.

有时候,在白宫的三层会有12个小女孩一起玩耍嬉闹。Sometimes I've got 12 little girls screaming on the third floor of the White House.

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我们一起做游戏,相携在林中散步,在水中嬉闹。I joined in all their sports and rambles through the woods and frolics in the water.

但是他心里有些纳闷,不知道为什么她对他的嬉闹缺乏热情。He wondered a little that she did not enter into these frivolities with his own zest.

我们的体育场依然挤满了球迷,我们的公园仍然有孩子嬉闹的场景。Our stadiums are still filled with fans, and our parks full of children playing ball.