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我们急需帮手。We need help inferiorly.

他急需钱。He is badly in need of money.

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我们急需一等品。We are in great need of Grade A.

这是最急需的项目。It is the most necessitous project.

这门急需涂一层漆。The door needed a coat of paint badly.

项急需我请给我发电报。Send me a wire if I am needed urgently.

急需要林肯的资料啊!!!Need badly want the Lincolnian data! ! !

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但现在她急需一份工作,任何的工作。Now she is desperate for a job, any job.

我们现在急需这两种品级的货。We are in urgent need of these two grades.

我们现在急需这两种等级的货。We are in urgent need of these two grades.

该系统急需改革,Huhne说。The system badly needed reforming, Huhne said.

一战老兵们走投无路,急需救济。Veterans of the war were desperate for relief.

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我急需一些红墨水,但手头一点也没有。I need some red ink badly, but there's _at hand.

我急需帮助,否则我会发疯。I am in desperate need of help -- or I'll go crazy.

校报急需英文编辑。Our school paper is starving for an English editor.

我们急需优秀的导购员。We are in urgent need of excellent shop assistants.

边防站急需食物和水。The frontier station was starved for food and water.

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将急需的资金从公立学校中转移了出来。It diverts much-needed money from the public schools.

急需一些适合口服使用的新型抗菌素。New antibiotics suitable for oral use are badly needed.

校报急需英文编辑。Our school paper is in great need of an English editor.