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新规则对雒海超有很大的利害关系。Mr Luo has a lot at stake.

这是一种很利害的手段。This is a formidable move.

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因此,利害关系很分明的。So the stakes are very high.

如果我们失败,涉及的利害关系太大。Too much is at stake if we fail.

谁在这个地区有利害关系?Who has a stake in the neighborhood?

这几天热得利害。It's been terribly hot these few days.

判断往往因利害关系而有偏差。The judgement is often biased by interest.

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我心里正在权衡利害得失。I was still balancing the matter in my mind.

利害相关者参与管理。The stakeholders participate in the management.

这样,那后来的迷惑,比先前的更利害了。This last deception will be worse than the first.

让我向你们保证,我们理解其中的利害。Well, let me assure you we understand the stakes.

社会乃善与恶的斗争,恶人易以利害互相勾结。Human society is a struggle between good and evil.

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如果其中的利害关系,超越使用麻省的路。I want to raise the stakes beyond using Mass. Ave.

但当中的利害关系不仅仅是民族荣誉。But there may be more at stake than national honor.

在利害关系的考量中,会存在风险。But there is real risk in that process of what-are-the-stakes.

另一项研究显示,高度的利害关系会让人头脑发昏。Other research suggests that high stakes can befuddle the brain.

我们要是参加讨论,就会造成利害冲突。For us to take part in the discussion would be a conflict of interest.

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几年前,雅加达成立了一个小组,分析印尼的欧佩克成员国的利害得失。Several years ago, a team was formed to analyze Indonesia's membership.

第三世界国家之间没有根本的利害冲突。There is no conflict of fundamental interests among third world countries.

它表示的是说话人比较了两种做法的利害得失之后做出的选择。It means the speaker makes a choice after weighing up the gains and losses.