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那名球员是蓄谋犯规的。The player committed an intentional foul.

他们蓄谋推翻政府。They are plotting to overthrow the government.

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她蓄谋毒杀她的丈夫。She deliberately set out to poison her husband.

这队人决定实施几起蓄谋已久的事。The group decided to commit several acts of deliberate violence.

的确,这次罢工似乎蓄谋已久。Indeed, there was almost an element of choreography in the strike.

蓄谋已久的世界抛弃美元的行动开始了。The long-awaited international renunciation of the dollar has begun.

考夫曼称这是意外还是蓄谋则不得而知。Kaufmann said it was not clear if it was an accident or an aimed hit.

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而是投入大量精力、时间,蓄谋已久的行动。It took a lot of time, effort and money, and all was done by the book.

而其实,该企业的并购战略早已“蓄谋已久”。And actually, of this enterprise buythestrategy already" premeditate long already".

崔国因没有认识到这三个国家,尤其是德国对中国蓄谋已久的侵略野心。He couldn't realize aggression ambition of the three countries, especially Germany.

也许可能是美国政府蓄谋将病毒传染给民众以进行科学研究。Was it the U.S. government doing some sort of research and the public was exposed to the virus?

有些时候我们就活在即将发生冲撞的轨道上,浑然不知,无论它是意外发生地还是蓄谋已久地,对此我们。Sometimes we live in the orbit of an imminent collision, the unaware, whether it is accident or a.

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那时候,他给了我一本关于爱尔兰的书,现在想起来,他其实蓄谋已久。At that time, he gave me a book about Ireland, which, now I am thinking was a long-established plan.

不过在中国市场的一些观察者看来,这似乎更证明了这个事件的蓄谋已久。However looks like in Chinese market's some viewers, this as if has proven this event's long premeditated.

目前尚不清楚这是一场无聊的区域性武力炫耀,还是蓄谋已久的挑衅。It is unclear whether it is over some silly local muscle- flexing , or a deliberately engineered provocation.

无辜的不幸者被意外的灾厄或深思熟虑且蓄谋已久的主使所伤。The innocent Unfortunate is harmed by accidental Misfortune or by a deliberate Master who should know better.

这是可以肯定的,得到这些照片并把照片上传到网上的人有着恶意的蓄谋已久的目的。There is no doubt whoever obtained these photos have them uploaded on the Internet with malicious and deliberate intent.

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我们现在应该身处刑事法庭,起诉这间猥亵、奸诈的学校,蓄谋谋杀!We should be in criminal court this very moment, trying this obscenely duplicitous school for conspiracy to commit murder.

巴基斯坦国内政局一直处于动荡不安的局面,东巴基斯坦局势的恶化给蓄谋已久的印度提供了一个发动战争的绝好机会。The domestic condition of Pakistan was turbulent, which provided India a great opportunity to launch an attack in order to make it weaker.

有时,我们身处事件交集之处,浑然不知是偶然还是蓄谋,对此,我们无事可做。Sometimes,we're on the collision course and we just don't know whether it's by accident or by design.There's not a thing we can do about it.