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好,让我们来做一些热化学。OK, so let's do some thermochemistry.

首先是地球的表面的参差不齐的热化在星期日以前。First is the uneven heating of the earth's surface by the sun.

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靶核热化过程存在“饱和效应”。There is the saturation effect in the process of target thermalization.

家家户户都在吃富含胆固醇的外卖和微波热化的现成食品。Families graze on cholesterol-sodden take-aways and microwaved ready-meals.

热化学转换是生物质能源化的主要途径之一。Thermo-chemical conversion is one of main way to convert biomass to energy.

然后我们继续研究了热化学,这是我今天要继续讲的,的确。Then we went on to look at thermochemistry, and that's what I want to continue today.

工业分析是生物质热化学工程技术中的一项常规应用分析。Proximate analysis is one of the routine procedures in utilization of straw for energy use.

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DTH系列电热化糖锅通过电热管加温将糖化咸糖浆。DTH series electrothermal sugar melting boiler melts sugar into syrup through electrothermal tube.

DTH系列电热化糖锅通过电热管加温将糖化成糖浆。DTH series electrothermal sugar melting boiler melts sugar into syrup through electrothermal tube.

未来的章节包括化学键,化学计量学,溶液化学和热化学。Future chapters include chemical bonding, stoichiometry, solution chemistry and thermal chemistry.

热化学高效转化利用技术是生物质能源开发利用的最主要途径。The technology to converse solid biomass energy into bio-oil by thermochemical is the important way.

同时,有研究表明,咖啡能刺激生热作用,热化肌体,促进新陈代谢。Also, coffee has been shown to stimulate thermogenesis, which heats up the body and boosts metabolism.

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流化床气化是生物质热化学转化的主要研究技术之一。Fluidized bed gasification is one of the important technologies of biomass thermo-chemical conversion.

必须特别强调,热化学回路应包括所有可应用的关系。It must be strongly emphasized that the thermochemical loop should include all applicable relationships.

畜禽粪便热化学转化能源利用是一条具有环境和经济双重效益的有效途径。Animal manure utilization by thermo-chemical conversion technology has environmental and economical benefits.

目的探讨清热化湿法对II型视盘血管炎治疗的临床疗效。OBJECTIVE To observe the clinical effects of treatment on type II disc vasculitis with Qingre Huashi methods.

在所有的木质纤维原料液化手段中,热化学液化是最容易实现、同时又最经济的方法。Thermochemical method has been proved as the most convenient and economic method in all liquefaction methods.

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在中晚期恶性肿瘤的治疗中,热化学疗法已得到广泛应用。In the treatment of malignant tumor within deep seated tissue , the thermochemotherapy has been applied widely.

事实上,考虑到经济正偏向过热化发展,中国政府可能会很乐意看到增长有所减速。Indeed, to the extent that the economy was starting to overheat, a slowdown will be welcomed by Chinese policymakers.

本产品特点是膨胀系数小,耐火度高,热化学稳定性好。This product is characterized by low expansion coefficient, high refractoriness, good thermal and chemical stability.