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现在雷耶斯惶惶不安。Now Reyes is in a panic.

她惶惶不安地走下楼梯。She came downstairs nervously.

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他如此惶惶不安,直挺挺地在床上坐起来。He was so upset he sat straight up in bed.

夜晚,即使是最微弱的响动,都会令她惶惶不安,颤抖个不停。The nights when the faintest sound could leave her shaking in panic.

在许多情况下,自负表示一种严重的情绪上的惶惶不安的心理状态。Conceit,in many cases, describes a state of serious emotional insecurity.

在许多情况下,自负表示一种严重的情绪上的惶惶不安的心理状态。Conceit, in many cases, describes a state of serious emotional insecurity.

人们惶惶不安,赫五力站在门口大声呵斥,如果再没人出来,他就把这个部落毁掉。Hercules shouted from outside that if no one came out, he would destroy the whole group.

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目前,这种报复性诉讼掀起了新一波的起诉浪潮,这使得雇主们惶惶不安。Currently, retaliation suits are contributing to a wave of litigation that has employers in a panic.

他们低声交谈着,惶惶不安地四处走动,仿佛不明白要他们来做什么事儿似的。They conversed in low tones and moved about restlessly, seeming uncertain as to what was expected of them.

瑞银在研究报告中称,上海黄金交易所提高白银保证金比率可能使一些仍做多白银的投资者惶惶不安.UBS said in a note that SGE's margin increase may spook some investors who are still bullish on the metal.

对于这件由出生在华沙的艺术家创作的雕塑作品,美术馆认为参观者很可能会感到精神紧张、惶惶不安。The Warsaw-born artist has created a piece that the gallery fully expects will unnerve and unsettle visitors.

随着原子时代如火如荼的发展,苏联瞄准美国的导弹使美国民众惶惶不安。With the Atomic Age in full swing, Soviet missiles aimed at the United States were unsettling the population.

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我也同情那些由于目睹我们国家街头骇人的暴力场景而惶惶不安的人们。I also feel for all those who live in fear because of those appalling scenes that we've seen on the streets of our country.

市场充满了不安的情绪,信贷紧缩以及企业能力的减弱,让投资者惶惶不安。Today's mood is jittery, with investors easily spooked by credit-market phantoms and the shadows of weak corporate profits.

铜供过于求的现象在中国越来越明显,令投资者惶惶不安。The increasingly apparent oversupply of copper in China, consumer of 40 per cent of the world's supply, has made investors nervy.

炸弹把那国家化为瓦砾,它的子民惶惶不安,每一天,都有更多的乡下老百姓被草草用木棺埋掉。Bombs reduced the country to rubble. Its population cowered in fear, and every day more villagers were buried in rough wooden coffins.

他转身对着银行家,那团黑黑糊糊、惶惶不安、勾腰驼背的人群里唯一有点个人特征的,似乎可以招呼一声的人。He turned to the banker, the only one of that black, uneasy, stoop-shouldered group who seemed enough of an individual to be addressed.

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日本电影中,也常有描写日本本土即将沉没,人们脸上表情惶惶不安。Japanese films also often describe the forthcoming disaster that the homeland suffering sinking, ordinary people is in tremendous fear.

他们惶惶不安,不相信授权,也不愿意处理使组织积弱不振的僵化症状。They're insecure, or don't believe in delegation. or aten't willing to deal with the arteriosclerosis that's weakening the organization.

但此次市场并未像2008年经济危机时那样令人恐慌,那时,银行家们、商人们因惶惶不安每周末都有大部分时间伏案办公桌前。But there was little of the market panic that in the 2008 financial crisis had bankers traders stuck at their desks for much of every weekend.