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我重新哭泣爱情久已过去的哀愁。And weep afresh love's long since cancell'd woe.

这个湖泊久已成为一个风景区。This lake has been a scenic spot for a long time.

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至于柬埔寨,新闻界的调子是久已熟知的。As for Cambodia, the media's themes were familiar.

是的,在那久已远去的12月,天使们现身于印第安纳。Yes, there were angels in Indiana that long-ago December.

西方的世界博览会失去其吸引力是久已有之的事情。In the West world's fairs have long since lost their allure.

濡润的体热融化于空气,假想的线条久已消亡于光芒。Wet heat merging into air, the ideal of lines long lost with the light.

对于任何种族的真心诚意地改变信仰的人,犹太教久已伸出欢迎的手臂。To genuine proselytes of whatever race, Judaism long held out welcoming arms.

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我因学你的法度,久已知道是你永远立定的。Long ago I learned from your statutes that you established them to last forever.

如果有一位久已失去的朋友突然来访,你也许会想同他呆一些时间。You may want to spend time with a long-lost friend who drops in out of the blue.

投资者落入谷底假象和熊市止跌回升的陷阱久已有之。False bottoms and bear market rallies have trapped investors since time immemorial.

他们可能把久已存在的内外科医学之间的区别搞模糊了。They bid fair to blur the age-old distinction between internal medicine and surgery.

我因学你的法度,久已知道是你永远立定的。Concerning thy testimonies, I have known of old that thou hast founded them for ever.

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我的学校久已享有盛誉了,我由它得益很多。My school has long been enjoying a high reputation, and I have profited much from it.

交易之中,人类被提供其久已遗忘的物质技术。In the bargain, humans were provided physical technology that they had long forgotten.

她久已期望本身能够取悦于人,能够被人羡慕,能够有诱惑力而且被人追求。She would so much have liked to please, to be envied, to be seductive and sought after.

今知错处始始端,久已慕魂流水年。Zhicuo Department before beginning this end, the long-running water, improving the soul.

这种天赋在盎格鲁一撒克逊民族中,是一门久已失传的艺术,或者确切地说,这种艺术从未发掘过。Among the Anglo-Saxon race it is a lost art, or rather it is an art that was never discovered.

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这稀有的事实,也许是它们久已失去的造巢育雏的本能之重现。This rare event is probably a case of reversion to the longlost, aboriginal instinct of nidification.

苏格兰酿酒厂希望获得样本进行分析研究,以便在未来能够重新生产出这种久已失传的苏格兰威士忌。A sample will be taken so that the brew's Scottish distillery, which lost the original recipe, can try to replicate it.

尽管“购买美国货”的附加条款是久已存在的美国法律的一部分,送交参议院的刺激计划中的一些措施还是走得太远。Although Buy American riders are part of longstanding US law, the measures in the Senate version of the bill go further.