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当我窥见答案时,不由得气喘吁吁。I gasped when I saw the answer.

直到末日窥见我的城堡,将他们驱散。Till Doom espy my towers and scatter them.

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从朱文小说文字的背后我们可以窥见他的人文关怀。We can peek Zhuwen's humanities concern behind his writing.

我们的感觉往往赋予我们一扇窗,可以窥见我们的灵修心路。Our feelings often give us a window on our spiritual journeys.

但一个狡猾的走私犯已经窥见那只罐子很久了。But a sly smuggler had been on watch for the pot for a long time.

我窥见了他正在形成中的美学观念,对此感到颇为吃惊。I was surprised by this glimpse into his evolving design aesthetic.

了解发生在澳大利亚和中国之间的事情就可以让我们窥见未来与中国的关系。What's happening Down Under is a glimpse into the future for all of us.

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要窥见一切事情的光明之面,使你的乐观信条处处应验。To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.

主啊,我们知道,我们仅仅窥见了律法的一点。求祢赐给我们超越我们能力的异象。Lord, we know we have hardly more than a glimpse of the truths of your law.

这点从庞大的粉丝群,所演剧集的超高收视率就能窥见。This is clearly visible from the huge fan base which gathering the ratings.

这点可通过中古英国城市契约窥见一斑。It is a fine example of contract civilization of medieval England's boroughs.

美国父亲受尊重程度的升高可从他们的花销上窥见一斑。One measure of growing respect for U.S. fathers is seen at the cash register.

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通过对这些文献的分析研究,我们可以窥见明代地理学的发展趋向。We can probe into the tendency of the geography of Ming Dynasty by studying them.

在静谧中像溪流一样,缓缓流淌中窥见真性情!In the quiet, like streams in the same, slowly flowing in a glimpse of his true self!

格雷-约翰逊给球迷窥见贝尼特斯是怎么样做主教练的。Glen Johnson has given fans a small insight into what Rafa Benitez is like as a manager.

他说原型机的模型被装在一个黑色的塑料外壳中,因此无法窥见其中设计。His model, he said, was sheathed in a black plastic shell, so he did not see its design.

我举起酒杯邀请媚人的明月,低头窥见身影,共饮已有三人。Till, , raising my cup, I asked the bright moon To bring me my shadow and make us three.

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他的恐惧感一直十分强烈,因为从树的间隙就能窥见墓地。Not to mention scared. Because through the gaps in the trees, he could see the graveyard.

由中国地方债的披露可窥见几个有趣的问题。Several interesting questions are raised bythe revelation of local government debt in China.

后面是开着的屋门,从中可以窥见深红色的柔暖卧室。Beyond is the open door of a house, and within we glimpse the deep red softness of a bedroom.