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这小说取材于一个真事的历史。The novel go since a ture story.

取材于非洲狮追捕猎物。Prey capture by the African lion.

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房子取材于玻璃、木材和石头。The house is made out of glass, wood and stone.

说起电影,有一部正是取材于她的书。There is talk of a movie being made of her book.

这本小说取材于现实生活。This novel has drawn its materials from real life.

如果您还没有那么豪华的装备,就从美食中取材吧!If you don't have that luxury, get in on that food!

方法鸡趾屈肌腱横断修复、金箔包裹,不同时间取材。Methods We took the hens lacerated tendons as model.

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只有一个猜测,那是一幅取材自“圣经”的图片。Only one guessed that it was a picture from the Bible.

其作品的造景取材自上世纪80年代一部经典电影的海报。But this is a classic '80s movie and the classic scene.

到时我被拍照取材你的作品就会上报了?So that when i iet photographed, your work ends up in "w"?

而他的敌人老鼠之王,取材于英国国王乔治三世。His opponent, the Mouse King, is British King George the Third.

提出绒毛取材时间以孕6~7周最适宜。The time for sampling is suggested between 6-7 gestation weeks.

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取材于吉祥喜庆的喜鹊和形态饱满的柿子。Watership auspicious festive magpie and form full of persimmon.

黑色的木质框架取材于当地的橡树。The dark wood framing the design is made of locally-sourced oak.

如今,两部电影的内容会完全取材于托尔金那300多页的巨著。The two films will be based entirely on Tolkien's 300 plus-page novel.

硅取材方便,是一种制作光学设备很不错的材料。Conveniently, silicon is not a bad material for making optical devices.

作者认为,麦饭石是一种取材简便、实用的新型盖髓剂。These suggest that Mai Fan Shi is a new practical pulp capping material.

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查克·贝里的音乐很多都是取材于青年时期的生活,尤其是校园生活。A lot of Chuck Berry's material is about teenage life, especially school.

下部腋生枝条顶芽作外植体比其他部位取材褐变率低。The terminal bud is better than axillary bud for its lower browning rate.

角色大多取材于中国神话和冒险故事。The characters are mostly taken from Chinese mythology and adventure pulps.