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大家吃生冷食物。Everyone ate cold food.

不要吃生冷和刺激性食物。Don't eat anything cold or spicy.

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忌食生冷。Avoid eating anything raw or cold.

生冷的东西我总吃不服。Cold and raw things never agree with me.

忌生冷辛辣,若有恶心可加生姜3-5片。Avoid cold hot, if nausea may add ginger 3-5.

肺纤维化患者切忌吃辛辣生冷的食物。Patients with pulmonary fibrosis avoid by all means is spicy food cold.

有些孕妇特别喜好吃酸性和生冷食物。Some pregnant women like eating the acidity and raw and cold food specially.

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而且每个在饮食方面生冷不忌的美国人都应该花点时间来读一读。And it's something that every omnivore in America should take the time to read.

饮食宜清淡可口,忌油腻、生冷及刺激性食物。Dietary appropriate is delicate and goluptious , avoid fat, raw or cold food and excitant food.

所以素体气阳虚者,或妇女正值经期或经期前后,应忌食生冷和寒凉性食品。So the rats, or gas ferrite women period or period when, should diet and cold and cold sex food.

为了纪念介子椎,晋文公下令每年的这一天,禁止生火,家家户户只能吃生冷的食物,这就是寒食节的来源。Thus began the "cold food feast", a day when no food could be cooked since no fire could be lit.

颜青皱着眉头,生冷的声音,眼睛里没有多余的感情。The Yan is green wrinkly the eyebrows, the cold voice, to there is no excessive feelings in eyes.

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方法采用喂食肥甘生冷食物造成脾失健运的虚证模型。MethodsAsthenia syndrome model was established through feeding fat and cabbage to make dys-splenism.

这确实可喜可贺,可证中国人政治上并非天生冷感。This is indeed gratifying because it proves that Chinese are not naturally apathetic about politics.

服膏方期间应忌食生冷、油腻、辛辣等不易消化及有较强刺激性的食物。Take cream square during should diet raw or cold food, fat, acrimony etc stodgy reach have stronger excitant food.

就餐注意定时、定量、卫生,注意避免过度油腻、厚味、生冷。Repast notices time, mensurable , sanitation, the attention avoids excessive and fat, thick flavour, raw or cold food.

药物流产后注意清洁卫生,不要着凉,禁止用凉水,不要吃生冷的食物。After miscarriage drug attention to the cleanness, don't catch a cold, ban on the use of cold water, don't eat cold food.

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您女儿用药期间不要吃生冷、刺激性食物,也不要喝茶水,应注意多休息。Your daughter will have to avoid eating crude, cold and stimulating food, no tea and more rest will be needed during this period.

而部分女孩为了美而不分时节的穿短外套和低腰裤,并且嗜吃生冷食物,都会对腰部造成损伤。And some girl for beauty and regardless of season wear short coat and pants, and cold food, can eat eosinophils damage to the waist.

不吃或少吃油腻生冷食物,不宜食萝卜、山楂、苦瓜、橘子等有理气、活血、寒凉性食物。Don't eat or eat less fat food, cold not the turnip, hawthorn, balsam pear, orange and help with digestion, blood circulation, cold cool food.