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我在你心里已经无所谓了吗?Am I nothing to you any more?

其他的都无所谓,Everything else doesn't matter,

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对未来抱无所谓态度,看破往事,寻求刺激。Indifferent towards the future.

假如因此我就变成了一个坏女人,那也无所谓。If that makes a bad woman, okay.

你们可能对一夫多妻制无所谓。You'll be lukewarm about polygamy.

它是有用、有害或者无所谓?Is it helpful, harmful, or neither?

无所谓,我听说那出戏不太好看。Just as well. I hear it isn't good.

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谈什么话题无所谓,重在练习表达!Topic does not matter practice does!

或许答案本身是无所谓的。Pehaps the answer itself is meaningless.

当然如果你只是要读一本电子书而已,那么就无所谓了。If you’re reading an e-book, not so much.

但是初和耿证明了这也许无所谓。But Chu and Geng show why it may not matter.

他无所谓的用指头弹着桌布。He idly thrummed the cloth with his fingers.

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无论你去还是不去,对我来说都无所谓。Whether you are going or not,I don't care.

我知道你是个傻瓜,但是那无所谓,我还是爱你的。I know you're a klutz, but I love you anyway.

我也在小隔间工作,但我无所谓。I work in a cubicle too, but I don't mind it.

我觉得1929年还是有点早了,但也无所谓了I think 1929 is a bit earlier, but never mind.

所有的洒脱成就了我的无所谓。All free and easy achievement of my indifference.

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我想我再等一阵子也无所谓,攻击!I guess I can wait a little longer. Now. Stupefy.

毕竟,那里余地比较大,就是受了伤,也无所谓。After all, there is room for bigger, injured, nor.

从众本身无所谓是好是坏。Conformity is not in itself a good or a bad thing.