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这些资源是八旗户籍制度的产物。The sources are a product of the Eight Banner registration system.

清代八旗蒙古人法式善是著名作家、文学理论家。Fasshan was famous Mongolian writer and literature theorist of ching dynasty.

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第一个重大的改变就是在中国北方建立了满州的八旗制度。The first major change was establishing the Manchu banner system in north China.

满、蒙、汉八旗三个体系各八个系列,产品丰富。Manchu, Mongolian and Han Eight Banners three of the eight series of products rich.

南疆八旗驻防制度在乾隆朝正处于初创时期,变化频仍。It formed a unique system of Eight Banners garrisons of the Qing Dynasty in southern Xinjiang.

雍正元年,清政府开设了八旗蒙古武举。In the first year of Yongzheng, Qing government set up the military exam of Mongolian eight-counties.

满洲精英集团依靠八旗组织成功地维持了本民族的一致性和民族认同意识。The Manchu elite successfully maintained the national identity by depending on the Baqi organization.

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本文运用八旗谱牒资料,对萨满教与祭祀之间的关系展开研究。The paper studied the relation between the Manchu shamanism and fete through Eight Banners genealogy.

满族八旗与汉军八旗朝夕相处,满汉之间早已相互影响。Banners of the Manchu Eight Banners and Han live day and night, has long been interaction between Man.

乾隆时期,与清朝统治由盛而衰相一致,八旗教育也经历了一个由兴盛转入衰落的过程。The Eight Banners' education in the reign of Emperor Qianlong saw its turn from prosperity to decline.

子弟书因为创作者、表演者、欣赏者都是八旗子弟而得名。The Youth Book got its name because its most authors, performers and audience are the Eight Flag Youth.

公元1644年,清八旗劲旅大批入关,此后陆续驻防于全国各地的军事要塞,从而形成驻防八旗。Many of the Man "Eight-Banners" got into Shanhaiguan in 1644 and were sent to many military forts later.

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尤其是满洲八旗发挥了重要的军事作用,这就是新疆满营的由来。This article just targets an object of study on the Xinjiang Manchu eight banners officers and soldiers.

清政府十分重视八旗蒙古武举外场弓箭考试内容的分类、考试方法、管理措施等。Qing government focused on the classification of its outfield exam, exam methods and management measures, etc.

子弟书是满族八旗入关后创制的说唱艺术,清乾隆至光绪年间,在北京曾盛极一时。Zidishu, a kind of folk art, was famous and popular in Beijing between Qianlong and Guangxu periods in Qing dynasty.

八旗官兵反侵略斗争的爱国精神,是中华民族的瑰宝,我们应予以肯定、珍惜、发扬。Eight flag soldiers' patriotic spirit was the treasure of Chinese people and we should affirm, cherish and develop it.

满族的八旗制度一向被认为是维系其民族精神、避免汉化的重要制度,而清代历朝皇帝亦力图强固满族本习。Banner system of Man nationality is regarded as an important means to maintain the national spirit and avoid Hanization.

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八旗异姓世爵世职教育,是清代民族教育的重要组成部分,是前所未有的设学施教。Education for hereditary eight-flag people is an important part of education system of Qing dynasty. It is unprecedented.

午餐的主菜有全聚德烤鸭、软煎鱼和八旗羊肉、煎牛扒,您喜欢用哪一种?For the main course of lunch, we have Peking roast duck, fried fish, Manchurian lamb and beefsteak. Which would you like?

八旗贵族在北京的显赫地位,在很大程度上影响和左右着北京的独特城市风格。Eight Banners aristocratic pre-eminent position in Beijing, in large part about Beijing's influence and a unique urban style.