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阳光不升起,也不消翳。That doth not rise nor set.

什么工具不消接触就能拿着?What can you hold without touching?

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你不消再说别人什么。You needn't say anything about others.

不消说,小珠儿仍然陪伴着她。Little Pearl, of course, was her companion.

美貌就像宝石,不消装饰最好。Beauty is like a rich stone, best plain set.

我灵魂也被剥了皮,她又怎能不消殒!So must my soul, her bark being pilled away.

浓睡不消残酒.Sound sleep did not dispel the taste of wine.

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不消信用卡的想法几乎是行不通的。The notion of having no plastic is barely feasible.

我翻寻到了凯文的冰川眼镜、不消再眯着眼睛了。I stop squinting and dig out Kevin's glacier glasses.

反恐联盟的主要盟国也不消停。Key allies in the war on terror are not spared either.

不消记挂,世界上还有很多其他女人的!Don't worry there are lots of other women in the world!

他们初次可以不消为截稿日期和编纂而懊末路。For once, they did not worry about deadlines and editors.

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我想不消了。给我上个淡妆。不要盛饰。I don't think so. Give me a light make-up, not a dark one.

你不消破钞本身一个子儿便可以旅游不雅光。You can go sightseeing without paying any money by yourself!

纯铁很软,所以不消于工业。Pure iron is not used in industry while it would be too soft.

不消一会,华碧贿赂官员的罪证已到手。Soon, HuaBi bribe officials of the evidence has come to hand.

当然,也有一些不消说的事——例如我们想运行Rails。Of course, there’s the no-brainers – e.g. we want to run Rails.

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南极洲约百分之九十五的地方被厚度差不多的常积不消的冰覆盖着。Some 95 percent of Antarctica is covered by an icecap averaging.

不消说的,他们俩一起去观光了该城的名胜。As a matter of course , they saw the sights of the city together.

咱们不消千里镜就可以很清楚地看见球员。We could see the players so clearly without using the binoculars.