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尽管告诉我好了。Please just tell me.

尽管对方不接通他的电话,他还是一直不停地在按着重拔键。He never stop dialing.

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尽管修通了隧道。Despite the new tunnel.

尽管问伯尼马多夫好了。Just ask Bernie Madoff.

尽管没有三得利的广告。No Suntory ads, though.

尽管我需要安静。I need it quiet, though.

加油艾伦,尽管去拼!Come on allen, just doit!

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尽管你不能保祐。Although you cannot bless.

尽管战马和英雄倒下去了。While horse and hero fell.

尽管国民党并不这样认为。Even the KMT balks at that.

尽管它打开如此迅速!It opens so quickly though!

尽管这无助于死记硬背。It helps not to cram, though.

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尽管天气很热,但是他还是哆嗦了一下。Despite the heat, he shivered.

他尽管年纪小,力气倒蛮大的。If he is little, he is strong.

如果我们可以做出来,尽管试一下吧。If we can do it, let’s try it.

尽管是相距千万里。Though were ten thousand mile.

尽管动物实验具有争议性,So although it is controversial,

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尽管汽车是新的,仍然发出格格声。Thoughthe car is new,it rattles.

收购者也是这作风,尽管我们很配合。Acquirers too, while we're at it.

罪恶丛生,尽管短暂。Evil thrives, though short-lived.