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沙弥尔也说“每年来自国防军的采购是一个大单。”"As used by the IDF" is a big selling-point, says Mr Shamir.

山上有座小庙,庙里有个沙弥。The mountains are a small temple, the temple has a novice monk.

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小和尚还不到受戒年龄,就叫做“沙弥”。A little monk who is not old enough to get ordained is called a 'sami. '

七岁受沙弥戒,法号称洛桑扎华。Seven years, the so-called law by shramanera precepts plunge in lausanne.

我朋友沙弥以前满脸豆花,但是她现在皮肤很好。My friend Sammi used to be a total zit face, but now she"s got great skin."

小和尚还不到受戒年龄,就叫做“沙弥”。A little monk who is not old enough to get ordained is called a novice monk.

沙弥活动对这些孩子来讲是他们学习怎样去过幸福生活的良好开始。The Samanera Project is a good start for them to learn how to live a good life.

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在家人不能受十戒,十戒是沙弥戒,可以受菩萨戒,十重四十八轻戒。But you can take Bodhisattva precepts, the ten major and forty-eight minor precepts.

我今天给你们几个受沙弥、沙弥尼戒的人,起出一个字。Today I will give Dharma names to those of you who have received the Shramanera precepts.

这些内容,虽然是对沙弥阶段的教育,但实际上是僧团所有成员终身奉行的行为准则。Although it targeted at the education for novices , they are truly the life-long code for monks to follow.

沙弥和瘦僧徒叫他自个儿去挑,胖僧徒挑来一担水,马上独自喝光了。Monk and thin that he alone shortly to pick and choose to a bear shortly fat, drink water immediately alone out.

任何人只要护持一个严守十戒的沙弥就能获得多过一世的国王的福报。Whoever is taking care of a Samanera who keeps only Ten precepts will gain more merits than a king for one life.

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我说的都是真的,因为我希望所有出家道友、沙弥和在家众都能够正确了解佛教。What I'm saying is the truth because I want all fellow monks, novices and lay people to understand Buddhism in the right way.

上面这篇文章是节录自阿詹差禅师在泰国东北部巴逢寺,向出家众及沙弥众所作的开示。The above piece is an extract from a talk by Venerable Ajanhn Chah given to monks and novices at Wat Pa Pong in North-east Thailand.

扎维萨克认为,修行生活——前三年与其他7名沙弥挤在一间房里——令他学会超越。Thavisack believes his austere life at the monastery – where, for the first three years, he shared a room with seven other novices – gave him the discipline to excel.