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应该如何对令牌进行传播?How should the token be propagated?

该令牌仅仅断言用户的特权。The tokens simply assert user privileges.

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令牌桶又是HTPA调度器的“细胞”。TBF is also the cell of the HTPA scheduler.

它已取得了决定性的胜利,打倒了令牌环网。It has scored a knockout win over token ring.

数字多媒体传输网络采用双令牌总线结构。Network structure was double token chain bus.

每个令牌表示该流程的一个输入。Each token represents an input to the process.

这个入站登录模块将生成令牌。This inbound login module generates the token.

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程序包里转换程序的令牌名称。Token name for the translator within its package.

与某个端点相关联的最大令牌数。Maximum number of tokens associated to an endpoint.

请不要把fddi的环形结构与令牌环混淆起来。Don't confuse FDDI's ring structure with Token Ring.

续订令牌后获取或设置处理程序。Gets or sets a handler for when the token is renewed.

令牌对于带外的接收方必须是已知的。The token must be known to the recipient out of band.

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令牌包可以带有标签,如“黄金电影包”。The purse can have label, example 'Gold Movies purse'.

这个证明可以是一个口令或者某种安全令牌。This proof could be a password or some security token.

思科地图令牌环到Mac级广播地址。Cisco maps Token Ring to MAC-level broadcast addresses.

针对特定令牌类型的自定义令牌实现。Custom token implementation for a particular token type.

最基本的一种操作是发出新令牌。The most basic operation is that of issuing a new token.

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令牌是单独的关键字、符号和标识符。Tokens are individual keywords, symbols, and identifiers.

令牌总线网与令牌环网非常相似。A token bus network is very similar to a token ring network.

令牌控制的TDBMPP协议是对TDBMPP协议的进一步改进。Further, a novel token-based TDBMPP protocol is put forward.