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苹果酒壶在背上。On his back was a cider jug.

要我说嘛,这个酒壶就挺好的。In my opinion, this flagon is just excellent.

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加入所有材料到加冰的调酒壶。Add all ingredients into an ice filled shaker.

这可以看出在这个盆地葡萄酒壶和升温。This can be seen in this wine ewer and warming basin.

于是,他放下酒壶,开始给蛇添足。He put down the bottle and began to add feet to his snake.

她穿着和服、席地而坐,捧着酒壶。She wears kimono and sits on the ground, holding a whine pot.

酒壶摔的粉碎的同时,他就头撞地面。The flagon shattered underneath him as the floor came up to smack him in the head.

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相反,他却无助地大笑起来,靠在墙上,酒壶放在膝间。Instead he began to laugh helplessly, leaning against the wall with the jug between his knees.

Towser伸手在四处摸索着,找到了酒壶,举起来,喝了一大口。Towser searched around with his hand until he found the jug and lifted it up for a long drink.

马夫Shem把手从铁匠宽阔的腹部上面伸过去,拿过酒壶喝了一口。Shem Horsegroom reached to him across the smith's broad stomach and took the jug for a swallow.

其中,不锈钢酒壶采用氩弧焊工艺,系国内首创。Therefore, the stain-less steel hip flask adopts argon arc welding technique, it is the initiate of home.

当他看见碎裂的大酒壶时他狠狠的咒骂然后询问发生了什么。When he saw the broken flagon, he uttered a blistering curse and demanded to know what had happened here.

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在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的高球杯,再用柠檬角和红樱桃装饰。Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice. Garnish with lemon wedge and cherry.

本公司主要产品为不锈钢酒壶、酒吧套件、倒酒器、开瓶器、酒瓶塞等礼品套装及家居生活工艺品。Our main productions are stainless steel hip flask, bar set, wine pourer, key holders, bottle stoppers, etc.

酒壶的重量使他失去了平衡,所以这首歌还没唱完他就中断了,脚步一乱,翻倒在地,他的帽子掉了下来。The weight over-balanced him in midchorus so that he staggered a step and then tumbled over, his hat flying off.

她不解的看着他,直到她拿走她手里的酒壶将她的裙子掀过头顶。She looked at him uncomprehending, until he took the flagon from her hands and lifted her skirts up over her head.

这投手,或葡萄酒壶,是真正的艺术雕塑作品,并会成为任何房间或收集谈资。This pitcher, or wine ewer, is truly a sculptural work of art and would be a conversation piece for any room or collection.

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当然温酒壶也就伴随着酒出现在了我们的生活当中。Among the life certainly warming up a wine pot having also been member of us with the fact that the liquor appears together.

在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的塔博杯,用芹菜杆轻轻搅动,用柠檬角装饰。Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a tumbler glass filled with ice. Stir gently with celery stick. Garnish with lemon wedge.

“放我箱子里五打酒壶”使用了字母表里每一个字母,而且,用的字母最少。The sentence "Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs" uses every letter of the alphabet and uses the least letters to do so!