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久而久之,你甚至可以做的更多。Over time, you may even get more done.

久而久之,我们的班集体就会整体落下。As time passes, our class will overall drop.

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久而久之,他就变成了一个具有双重性格的人。Over time, he became a dual personality people.

久而久之,他们就可能发现自己真正的需要了。Over time, they may find that it is not what they need.

久而久之,以后的收入弹性将趋于稳定。Further income elasticities tend to be stable over time.

久而久之,我就了解了几乎所有的欺骗技俩。As time passes, I understanding almost all of cheat tricks.

职业有如婚姻,久而久之,大家只觉得它有敝无利。Career is like marriage, over time, we feel it is our only.

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久而久之,双方的僵持状态硬化成「冻结冲突」。Over time, the stalemates hardened into "frozen conflicts."

否则久而久之都会导致眉毛发灰变蓝。Otherwise, in the course of time will lead to gray blue eyebrows.

久而久之,她也开始接受怀孕这个无情的事实了,还笑着。Over time, she began toaccept, even laugh, at the relentlessness.

久而久之,你会留下一个终身难忘的记忆。In the end, you will be making memories that will last a lifetime.

久而久之,我们需要确认我们的新闻业是可持续的。Over time we need to be sure we have journalism that is sustainable.

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民族认同感如斯滋长,久而久之必然可以称呼为国号。As a sense of national identity grew so did the use of national names.

久而久之,肌肉弹性的丧失将比高球战绩不佳更令你伤心。Over time, this loss of flexibility can hurt more than your golf game.

久而久之他开始动遥他想也许他们说的是对的。Then the illness struck. He started to believe that they might be right.

长期来看久而久之,高工资会推动国内消费增长。With higher wages, this will drive domestic consumption growth over time.

久而久之,我发现许多东西都指向个人分析这方面。Personal AnalyticsOver time I find more things pointing to this direction.

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久而久之,“吹牛皮筏子”竟变成了“说大话”的同义语。Over time, "blow cow skin raft" finally turned into a synonymous of "brag".

久而久之,“三脚猫”一词成了做事技艺不精的意思了。Gradually, the word is changed to mean being unprofessional in doing things.

久而久之,一般的电脑故障我也能手到病除了。As time passes, general computer breakdown I also hotshot arrives ill besides.