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我们可以吃鸳鸯火锅。We can eat a Chinese Fondue.

鸳鸯吃了毒药中毒而死。Yuanyang eat poison poisoning.

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看到这对鸳鸯了吗?See the pair of mandarin ducks?

鸳鸯终生配对。The mandarine ducks paired for life.

鸳鸯做出求偶表示然后进行交配。Mandarin duck displayed and copulated.

她说鸳鸯会老,红颜会死。She said would-old, the roots will die.

梧桐相待老,鸳鸯会双死。Coupled Mandarin ducks lived till death.

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画桥露月冷鸳鸯。Cold duck on the bridge painting exposed.

鸳鸯裁锦袖,翡翠帖花黄。Kam Mandarin CD sleeves, emerald yellow decals.

你想跟我一起死,做一对同命鸳鸯。For you want to die with me like Romeo and Juliet.

动物园的池塘里,鸳鸯正在成双成对地戏水。In the zoo pond, the mandarin ducks are swimming in pairs.

这是将军岩,在右边是鸳鸯瀑布。This is Jiangjun Cliff. On the right, it is Yuanyang waterfall.

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天生才子佳人搭配,只羡鸳鸯不羡神仙。Natural beauties collocation, only envy mandarin duck not envy immortal.

大家现在来到的就是鸳鸯岛民俗、文化景区。We now arrive at Mandarin Duck Island Folk-custom and Cultural Scenic Zone.

鸳鸯蝴蝶派在创作上主要吸收了中国传统情节小说的特点。Absorb China traditional plot characteristicking of novel on creating mainly.

图中鸟为鸳鸯,花为莲花的变体。The birds are mandarin ducks, and the flowers are transfigurations of lotuses.

那一夜,欢喜的泪染湿了绣着两只戏水鸳鸯的红色枕头。That night, joy and tears dye wet embroidered with two mandarin duck red pillow.

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我是坐在圣地亚哥公园里的一个池塘边上的时候看到了这只鸳鸯。I caught this mandarin drake as I was sitting next to a pond at the San Diego Zoo.

迪克和珍决定改当鸳鸯大盗来做最后一搏。As a last resort, Dick and Jane decide that they are going to turn to armed robbery2.

被一些对爱情有美好向往的人取名“鸳鸯树”。Be had by a few to love fine people who yearns for that bename as "Sweethearts bird ".