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这是一个恰当的评论。It was an apt comment.

你说话很恰当。You speak quite apropos.

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恰当的处理煤炭。Dispose of coals properly.

选择用去创坐卷组的恰当节面。Create a Shared Volume Group.

把不定式分开是否恰当?Is it OK to split infinitives?

她搜寻恰当的字眼儿。She groped for the right word.

我的“就恰当地被予于了轻视。And MINE were worthily despised.

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恰当的发达和适当的角度。Well developed and well angulated.

沐浴时使用更恰当。Great to use in the bath or shower.

在诸多方面,这个对比是恰当的。In many ways, the comparison is apt.

突然插到排队的行列中去是不恰当的。It is improper to cut in on a queue.

如果怀疑做得少,不如做的恰当。If in doubt do less, but do it right.

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现在我们可以恰当地解释这个情况了。So now we can tell the story properly.

添加恰当的图片和图形。Adding appropriate images and graphics.

请用英语把它恰当地解释一下。Explain it properly in English, please.

这真是对大政府再恰当不过的诅咒。A very good damnation of Big Government.

实际上这样做并不恰当。Itrs not a correct thing to do actually.

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谁就恰当地承受上天的恩宠。They rightly do inherit heaven's graces.

我想"微小"这个词更恰当I think the word tiny might be justified.

穿长裤套装参加这个派对恰当吗?。Is the pantsuit appropriate for theparty?