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八国联军一家门啊,我的天,摆出来才知道女人唔易做。Eight-one door ah, my God, put out to know a woman Dancer.

有种八国联军进京城的感觉呵呵…济南人民太热情了。Beijing has allied forces into the feeling. Jinan people's enthusiasm.

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她反对接受国外的影响却又支持1900年的八国联军。She opposed foreign influence and supported the Boxer Rebellion of 1900.

八国联军进入中国时,沙俄军队占领了开平煤矿。When the 8 armies come into China, the Russian army occupied the Kaiping province.

八国联军溃败,西方势力调停并结束了这场叛乱。The rebellion failed, however, when Western powers intervened and stopped the revolt.

1860年和1900年,园明园被英法联军和八国联军抢掠并付之一炬。However, it was robbed and burned off by Anglo-French Allied Forces in 1860 and in 1900.

1900年八国联军入侵中国,但最终被中国人赶了出去。In 1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China, but China eventually drove them out.

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尚云祥随老师李存义参加义和团,血战天津老龙头火车站,刃扫八国联军。Shang Yunxiang participate with the teacher Li Cun-yi Boxer, fought in old Tianjin Railway Station.

第二次浩劫是1900年的八国联军镇压义和团运动。A second series of destruction followed when eight allied armies put down the Boxer Movement in 1900.

第二次是1900年八国联军攻占北京,这次圆明园彻底被毁。The second time was in 1900 during the Eight-Nation Alliance invasion, and nothing remained this time.

从中亚大博弈到1900年的八国联军,西方历史一直在妖魔化这两个东方国家。From the great game in Central Asia to the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, western history has demonized eastern empires.

在八国联军侵华时期,天主教会还曾担当为欧洲军队收集情报的角色。The catholic church became intelligence gatherers for the advancing European armies, when the 8 nations invaded China.

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1900年,八国联军的侵略部队侵犯北京,并占领了颐和园达一年之久。In 1900 , the Invading Troops of the Eight Powers assaulted Beijing and occupied the Summer Palace for more than a year.

八国联军入侵中国期间,天津遭受了巨大的战争创伤,并沦为国际租界。Tianjin was the scene of heavy fighting during the Boxer Rebellion , after which it was placed under an international commission.

大家都相处的不错,显然我们是八国联军,但我们每个人关系都不错。All the players get on well – there are obviously a lot of different nationalities here, but there's great camaraderie amongst everyone.

有时,甚至把普通的国外投资和1900年入侵,占领京畿的“八国联军”相提并论。Even run-of-the-mill foreign-investment proposals are sometimes compared to the "Eight Allied Armies" that invaded and occupied Beijing in 1900.

八国联军在进攻北京之前,曾遭到清军和义和团的有力阻击。The Allied Forces of Eight Powers had to deal with rigorous resistence from the Qing government's army, and the Boxers before they took Beijing.

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中国对于西方的愤恨随着1900年八国联军持续加剧,以至于将西方基督传教士变成攻击的目标。The resentment toward Western influence continued with the Boxer Rebellion of 1900 in which Western Christian missionaries became targets for attack.

庚子事变,八国联军入侵中国,趁机侵夺中国电报主权,造成中国电报事业的极大损失。The eight countries invaded China after the Gengzi incident and assumed the sovereignty of China's telegram industry, causing great damage to the industry.

不论他们要到哪里去,都是要躲避已经逼近北京城的八国联军。Whatever their destination, it was obvious to the passers-by that they were fleeing from the oncoming allied European troops who were marching upon Peking.