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人们奔走相告。People go around spreading the news.

在工厂里,工人都把这个好消息奔走相告。In the factories the workers shouted the good news to each other.

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我想要的仅是白痴嘴里奔走相告的传说。What I want is a tale of sound and fury that some idiot went and told.

老百姓知道了,奔走相告,大家都在想办法要拯救玉龙。People went around telling the news and were thinking of ways to save the dragon.

但是,由于此处有一个人不愿向我表明心声或世界银行下一步的行动,他只是说他想倾听,因此,从现在开始,我将为世界银行而奔走相告。He is saying that he wants to listen. From now on, I will be an advocate for the World Bank.

中秋十五民俗气氛浓味漫延,奔走相告欢天地。Fifteen folk Mid-Autumn festival atmosphere thick flavour, sell the joys of heaven and earth.

莫斯科人奔走相告此次袭击,莫斯科当局也做出了很人性化的响应。Muscovites took the attack in their stride, and even the authorities responded more humanely.

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哪种新游戏将会征服我们,哪家的科技会让我们奔走相告?What new games are going to blow us away, and who’s technology will we be telling our friends about?

“一把手”俯身下询的姿态,当然是积极的,“人们喜形于色,奔走相告”。"Number one" bent under the consultation posture, of course, is positive, "People all smiling, Benzouxianggao.

没有必要奔走相告,高声嚷嚷你对大家的爱和祝福,只是顺其自然地生活着。There is no need to go around shouting that you love and bless everyone at the top of your voice. Simply live and let live.

这种大鲨在这附近很少捕到,大家奔走相告,来沙滩看热闹的人也越来越多。It was not often that a giant shark was caught in these parts and soon, more people came as word went up and down the beach.

我们奔走相告仿佛不知疲倦是一种大自然的赐予,而且是成功的缓解压力的最好方式。We say this to one another as if our tireless efforts were a talent by nature and anvability to successfully deal with stress.

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但是在正式比赛开始之前,头戴橄榄枝环的传令兵在各城邦之间奔走相告运动会正式开始的准确时间。However, before the official opening of the Games, batman worn olive branch run among the cities and told each other the precise time of the Games.

山里的孩子怕生,也特别的好奇,来了新老师,他们就满身心的激动,雀跃着奔走相告。Children afraid of the mountains, but can also special curiosity, to a new teacher, they full physical and mental excitement and joy to excitedly spread the news.

统计学家们正兴奋地到处奔走相告,因为他们一位同行莫汉•斯里瓦斯塔瓦用他的专业知识破译了刮刮乐彩票的密码。Statisticians everywhere are squealing in delight over this story on fellow statistician Mohan Srivastava,who used his know-how to crack the code of a tic-tac-toe scatcher lottery game.

统计学家们正兴奋地到处奔走相告,因为他们一位同行莫汉斯里瓦斯塔瓦用他的专业知识破译了刮刮乐彩票的密码。Statisticians everywhere are squealing in delight over this story on fellow statistician Mohan Srivastava, who used his know-how to crack the code of a tic-tac-toe scatcher lottery game.