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你是想征召我入伍吗?Are you recruiting me?

他响应征召入伍从军。He answered the call to army.

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他被征召入伍。He was drafted into the army.

我已下令征召新兵。L-I have ordered conscriptions.

征召新兵就是重新使军力成长的意思。To recruit is to re-grow the army.

菲利浦在一九六四个八月被征召入伍。Philip was called up in August 1964.

他们十九岁时被征召入伍。They were called up at the age of nineteen.

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他被征召入伍,在部队里服役了4年。He was drafted by the army and served for 4 years.

国家征召所有壮丁参战。The nation levied all able-bodied man for the war.

战争一爆发,他们立即就被征召入伍了。When the war broke out, they were at once called up.

甚至很多年轻的学生也被征召到陆军中服兵役。Even many young students were conscripted into the army.

战争一开始,他哥哥就被征召入伍?。His brother was called up right at the beginning of war.

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巴勒莫前锋卢卡·托尼也首次被征召。The Palermo forward Luca Toni got his first call up, too.

假如战争爆发,年轻人将立刻被征召入伍。If the war break out, the youth will be called up at once.

小罗从未在邓加手下踢过球,并且并未被征召参加世界杯。Ronaldinho never clicked under Dunga and is not in South Africa.

奥尔诺在上一次被征召入队,但是他错过了这次的航班。Asier was summoned for the last get-together, but missed the plane.

“我会选择首先征召我的那支球队,”阿毛里解释道。"I will choose whichever nation calls me up first, " Amauri explained.

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在六月份他首次被征召入巴西20岁以下国家队。He was called up for Brazil's under-20 team for the first time in June.

蒙托亚被征召是个惊喜,当时他是什么反应?The surprise was Montoya, how did he react when he heard he was called?

一艘微型潜艇被征召,以配合潜水员搜索尸体。A mini-submarine was called in to help the search for bodies, along with divers.