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大号提篮式购物包,光滑皮革包边。Basket cord tote bag with smooth leather trims.

推车架、座椅、提篮和纺织品套装。A chassis, a seat, a carry cot, and textile sets.

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我和妈妈领取提篮和剪子进入果园。My mother and I get the basket into the orchard and the scissors.

可这时女管家却一个劲地在门外徘徊,提篮也紧闭着。But the housekeeper lingered by the door, and the basket stayed shut.

他们夫妻俩亲自操作,走街串巷,提篮叫卖。The couple both personally operation, the street level, Basket salesman.

提篮纺织品套件包孕,婴儿床衬里,一个风罩和一个床垫。The carry cot textile set includes carry cot lining, a Wind Cover, and a mattress.

提篮买菜,超级环保啊!现在已经“进步”的看不到这样的场景了,塑料袋子在各处飞扬。Basket shopping, super green ah! Now "progress" can not see such a scene, and plastic bags flying everywhere.

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从八岁起,Carly就开始帮助别人,在教堂门口派发其他家庭所需的感恩节小提篮。Carly started helping others when she was eight, handing out Thanksgiving baskets at church to families in need.

结合全桥模型试验评价了提篮式拱桥的刚度,对理论分析的结果进行了验证。Verification research was carried out on the basis of integrating outcomes of model test and theoretical analysis.

她摇摇头,我看到她的提篮里有一些蔬菜和一个塑料袋,问她,那是什么?She shook her head, I saw her in the basket has a number of vegetables and a plastic bag and asked her, What is that?

提篮子的士兵很快便打着了火,点亮了三四支火炬,自己拿一支,其余的分给别的士兵举着。The soldier with the basket soon got a light, and lighted three or four torches, and took one himself and distributed the others.

在一定的基本假定前提下,研究了内倾角对钢管混凝土提篮拱桥力学性能的影响。The leaning angle affecting the concrete-filled steel tube X arch bridges mechanical properties was investigated based on some assumption.

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产品简介公司主要加工生产以玉米皮、拉菲草、麦草等原生植物杆秸为主要材料的草提篮、工艺包、草帽、草鞋、草地毯等20多个品种。LTD. is specialized in producing grass basket, craft bag, grass shoes, grass carpet etc. which taking maize peel, straw as the main materials.

有一天,列支敦士登看着她的父亲在厨房里忙进忙出,将一件件东西放进手提篮中。One day, Liechtenstein was watching her father dart back and forth around the kitchen, packing item after item into a small hand-woven basket.

采用车桥耦合振动理论,分别建立了铁路车辆和提篮拱桥的动力模型及其运动方程。Based on the coupled vibration theory, dynamical models and equations of motion were set up respectively to an X-style arch bridge and vehicles.

家长们还要考虑支出约741.24英镑的服装费,此外还要花65.5英镑来添置婴儿提篮,以便周末出游或度假时婴儿能有睡觉的地方。They are also looking at spending around ?741.24 on clothes and another ?65.50 on a travel cot so baby has somewhere to sleep on weekends away or holidays.

文学可以成为提篮叫卖的消费品,可与此同时,也成了维护人们表达权利的一种利器。Literature can become the consumable that carries basket to peddle, but meanwhile, also became a kind of edge tool that safeguards people to convey the right.

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她留下信,让罗大全不要再回提篮洞,走得越远越好,以后做个小生意别做想着当匪首了。She leaves a letter, let Luo Daquan do not want farewell to carry basket hole, go Yue Yuanyue is well, do not do a dicker later wanting to become bandit chief.

桑子偷偷把情报传给了程团长,在解放军对提篮洞发起突袭时,罗二全被乱枪击毙。Sang Zi passes information to Cheng colonel secretly, when the liberation army launchs sneak attack to carrying basket hole, luo Erquan is shot dead by random gun.

主要介绍了北门桥主桥中承式钢管混凝土提篮拱结构设计以及主要施工方法。This paper introduces the design and construction method of main bridge of the North Bridge, which is a half through concrete filled steel tubular truss arch structure.