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或许它更像那大海。May it be lide ocean.

当时有超过400人葬身大海。More than 400 drowned.

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茫茫然苍天如大海。The sky a sea as well.

那幢房子冲着大海。The house faces the sea.

这个房间面向大海。This room faces seaward.

就在茫茫大海的正中间。In the middle of the sea.

那条河流汇入大海。The river feeds into sea.

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大海不拒江河。The sea refuses no fiver.

条条河水归大海。All rivers run to the sea.

陆地从大海中浮现出来。Land emerged from the sea.

千条江河归大海。Rivers descend to the sea.

而且它濒临大海,So it's just the ocean and

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大海能纳百川。Thee sea refuses no river.

直到大海干枯水尽。Till a' the seas gang dry.

条条江河归大海。All rivers lead to the sea.

大约1500人葬身大海。Some 1,500 people perished.

康涅狄格镇大海。Connecticut town on the sea.

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感受无风时大海的平静。Feel calm when the sea calm.

首先,吾等赐福于大海。First, let us bless the sea.

大海和蓝天似乎相融合。Sea and sky seemed to blend.