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六个桌灯,三个茶几,一架钢琴。Six table lamps. Three end tables. One piano.

花几比茶几出现得晚。Guinea-Bissau to spend coffee table appeared late.

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茶几的另一边还有一张扶手椅。An armchair was on the other side of the coffee table.

越过桌子,找到抽屉,夹子和茶几。Go beyond the desk to drawers, shelves, coffee tables.

LJ也笑了起来,并承认其实是自己打破了那茶几。LJ returns the smile and admits to breaking the table.

房子里有八张椅子和四个茶几。There are eight chairs and for tea tables in the room.

茶几地毯价格你能通告我这种产品的最廉价码?Cany kind of you tell me the rock-lower price of this product?

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家具。餐台,餐椅,茶几,吧椅。FURNITURE. dining table, dining chair, coffee table, barstool.

它也可以在墙上和茶几上做很好的装饰。It can also serve as a nice decoration on walls and tea tables.

这个茶几的玻璃砖是耐高温的。The thick glass of this tea table can endure high temperatures.

门厅小桌,茶几,镜子都是树脂材料的。Vestibular teapoy, tea table, the mirror is colophony material.

这就是为什么我完全爱上了这个茶几。That’s I just fell head-over-heels in love with this coffee table.

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这张茶几外观小巧圆滑,由钢铁和玻璃制成。The end-table One is a small, sleek table made of steel and glass.

当一杯茶摆到你面前的茶几上或递到你手里时,你要说“谢谢”。When a cup of tea is put on a tea-table before you or sent to your hand.

我高兴地带着万年青回到了家里,放在客厅的茶几上。I am pleased to return to the home with evergreen, on the living room table.

人生就像是一个茶几,上面摆满了杯具和餐具。The life likely was a tea table, above has chocked up cup and the tableware.

报纸和杂志在客厅的茶几上摆的到处都是。The newspapers and magazines are lying around the teapoy in the drowing room.

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我高兴地带着万年青回到了家里,放在客厅的茶几上。I am pleased with evergreen returned home, placed in the living room coffee table.

矮小的公爵夫人坐在小茶几旁和侍女玛莎絮絮叨叨地谈话。The little princess was sitting at a little table gossiping with Masha , her maid.

另外,茶几足间带有一层屉板,可以放杂物。In addition, the table foot room with a layer of drawer panels, you can put debris.