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它还需要再收紧些。It needs tightening up a little.

色调和收紧毛孔。Freshens, tones and tightens pores.

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排毒皮肤和收紧毛孔。Detoxifies the skin and tighten pores.

膝盖骨上提收紧大腿。Lift kneecaps by tightening the thighs.

请将腰围收紧一点。Please catch in the waistline slightly.

当你做这个动作时,不要收紧肩胛骨。Do not tense your shoulders as you do this.

身体一侧的几处褶皱收紧了腰身。Several pleats on one side cinched the waist.

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杰克·鲍尔扣着他喉咙那只手臂又收紧了一些。Jack Bauer's grip around his throat tightened.

这个木制的天空升起,起伏和收紧。This wooden sky rises, undulates and tightens.

节奏调控收紧和放松有高有低。I regulate the tempo by tightening and loosening.

快速单元的上限,在短短一个季度反过来收紧。Quick-snap cap that tightens in just a quarter turn.

收紧大腿前侧肌肉,锁住双膝。Contract your front thigh muscles to lift your kneecaps.

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现在你可以教我们如何收紧臂部。你的臀部好结实!Now you can help me firm up my buttocks. Yours are so tight !

把松紧带收紧一点用大头针把没固定的一端钉在贴边上。Tighten the elastic a little. Pin the free end to the facing.

两腿跟部收紧的部分进一步确保了前后两部分连接的可靠性。A snap at the bottom of each leg further secures the two halves.

试新文胸时,要收紧中间或松开钩子。When trying a new bra, always fasten the middle or loosest hook.

加拿大这个怪物决定不跟随美国欧盟收紧染色食物法规。Canada not following U. S. A. , EU on tighter food-dye regulations.

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长官要求我们站直并收紧腹肌。The officer asked us to stand straight and keep stomach muscles in.

他们为他按摩,使收紧的肌肉揉捏的平滑舒松。They massaged his body, kneading the knotted muscles into smoothness.

通过重力来加速,隼收紧翅膀飞向猎物。Accelerated by gravity, a bird closes its wings and plunges at quarry.