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你是那么的善良。You are so kind.

他心底善良.He's kind-hearted.

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善是善良之义。Shang is Kindness.

一个姑娘,我觉得她很善良。A gal I thought was kind.

李京文是一个很善良的人。Li Jingwen was very kind.

父亲依旧善良如昔吗?Is Daddy still a good man.

善良的心地是花园。Kind hearts are the grands.

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善良将战胜邪恶。Good will prevail over evil.

一位多么善良的好姑娘!Unit16 What a good, kind gir!

杰克逊是心地善良的人。The Jacksons are sweet people.

王总是一个心地善良,很讲效率的人。He is a kind and efficient man.

独夫们是凶暴的,但百姓是善良的。Men are cruel but Mper is kind.

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独夫们是残暴的,但人民却是善良的。Men are cruel, but Man is kind.

独夫们是凶暴的,但黎民是善良的。Men are cruel- but Man is kind.

善良压倒邪恶。The good overbalances the evil.

善良的夫人救了我。The kind-hearted lady saved me.

你的善良将得到酬谢。Your kindness will be rewarded.

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善良的男生和可爱的女生!Kindhearted boy and lovely girl!

用同情和善良来行动。Act with compassion and kindness.

我很玩赏你的善良。I truly appreciate your kindness.