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你听说这个在法国的意大利人琴师吗?Have you heard this Italian French luthier?

琴师也不会在琴上面签名。The luthiers usually do not sign these guitar labels.

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每个制琴师都说自己的方法很好。Each luthier claiming that his method works very well.

风琴师奏乐将会众送出教堂。The organist played the congregation out of the church.

这支小交响乐队与一群六弦提琴师同台献艺。The Sinfonietta shares the stage with a consort of viols.

我所听见的声音,又像琴师弹奏的琴声。The sound I heard was like that of harpists playing their harps.

他可说是当代最伟大的风琴师和大键琴师。He was perhaps the greatest organist and harpsichordist of his time.

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风琴师弹奏的赞美诗音乐把苏贝胶在铁栏杆上了。The anthem that the organist played cemented Soapy to the iron fence.

他不仅是名专业琴师,还是个热情的业余歌手。Besides being a professional pianist, he is also a keen amateur singer.

试唱一结束,他就走过去向风琴师请教。When they had finished he went round to the organist to make inquiries.

是的,中国现在有很多好琴师在制作手工演奏会琴。Yes, China has some good luthiers making handmade concert quality guitars.

待琴师离去,你们就可以在壁炉旁过上一个难忘的夜晚。You can enjoy a night in front of the fireplace after the violinist leaves.

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直到国际琴师学校开办后,手艺人们回归,高品质小提琴才再次呈现。Only after the school opened, did craftsmen return and quality pick up again.

一般我们知道著名制琴师的作品都有自己的签名和日期。Typically, we find that artisan guitars or master luthier guitars are signed and dated.

他知道那个琴师肯定宁愿呆在弗吉尼亚继续当奴隶,也不想到非洲去做自由人。He knew the fiddler would always rather stay a slave in Virginia than go to Africa a free man.

他有时候也到麦尔切斯特来,大教堂风琴师位子有一回出了缺,他很想谋到手。He comes to Melchester sometimes, and once tried to get the cathedral organ when the post was vacant.

还有很多制琴师评论他或许是现存在欧洲以外作琴中最伟大的制琴家。A number of his colleagues rate him as perhaps the greatest living luthier working outside Europe today.

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突然有一天,一把待售的1772瓜达尼尼小提琴惊现眼前,事出巧合,制作这把琴的琴师乔万尼‧瓜达尼尼与史特拉瓦里竟为校友。One day, I was offered a 1772 violin made by Giovanni Guadagnini, an alumnus of Stradivari, which was for sale.

吉他可以由一个琴师在一个小作坊里,用手工工具和一些小工具的如刨子和锯子。Guitars can be made by a single luthier in a small shop, using hand tools, and maybe a small router and a band saw.

后来进入小修院,开始学习风琴,从小修院到神学院一直担任琴师。After entering the minor seminary, he learnt to play organ and served as resident organist until his final graduation.