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赞成还是反对?Pro or con?

我并不反对自动化。I am no Luddite.

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他们反对和平。They oppose peace.

公然反对,向…挑战。To defy or resist.

投票结果为63票赞成对37票反对。The vote was 63-37.

卡尔弗反对禁止实验。Culver opposes a ban.

他们反对民主。They oppose democracy.

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我不反对货到付款。I'm not opposed to COD.

他反对分裂主义。He disavowed separatism.

支持它和反对它。Argue for and against it.

但是没有人会反对。But no one ever objected.

他反对这个调整。He deprecates the adjust.

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我并不反对敏捷。I am not against Agility.

他反对这个决定。He kicked at the decision.

她大胆提出反对意见。She ventured an objection.

他们声明反对战争。They declared against war.

你们全都反对我吗?All of you side against me?

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由于你反对,我们不去了。As you object, we won't go.

但是其他人则反对这一点。But others are agaist this.

他据理反对这个计划。He argued against the plan.