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疯狂的精神让我们折服。I was overawed by crazy spirit.

强词夺理不能折服人。No one can be persuaded by sophistry.

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商业领袖们会被这些观点折服吗?Will business leaders succumb to these ideas?

通常情况下,它会折服倾倒,一拜涂地,然后痛一会儿。Usually it gets bent a little and hurts for a minute.

教会的教徒,有十个来自代代相传,只有一个是折服皈依的。There are ten church members by inheritance for one by conation.

在被语言的魅力“折服”之后,万里胡继续着英语自学。He went on to teach himself English after being "charmed" by the language.

一生爱您,一生敬拜您…主爱真的长阔高深,令人折服!!!Yes Lord. We have to serve for this life & when we meet you at the heaven !

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我被博物馆宏大的规模和宽广辽阔的整个面积所折服。I was amazed the real size of the museums and the wideness of the whole area.

更多人则被哈里斯-摩尔的惊人胆量所折服。Many more fans have gravitated to Harris-Moore simply because of his audacity.

从容不迫的举止比咄咄逼人的态度更能让人折服。It is more convincing to behave calmly and unhurriedly than to air aggressively.

如果我们选中了某些导演,那说明这些导演的影片有其闪耀之处,令我们折服。If they have been chosen it means that their films won us over by their own merits.

她淡定地烧出各种四川佳肴,连当地名厨都折服。And she made a variety of Sichuan dishes easily that even local chefs are impressed.

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使得观众可以真切感受到他的挣扎和内心的恐惧,和被他在艰难时刻展现出的勇气折服。We can sense his struggles and fears but cannot help to be impressed by his courage.

而飞鸿的身手让猪肉荣和牙擦苏深为折服。And the skill of the letter lets pork flourish and tooth brush Su Shen to be convinced.

他精明,睿智,而且富有风度。那种特别的魅力深深的折服了她的总经理。His wisdom, and rich smart, manner. The special charm of deep overwhelming her manager.

了解大运村的人都为它的建设速度和质量所深深折服。All people knowing the Athletes' Village admire its building speed and quality. When Mr.

他们的气质举止和高尚的性格让人们自然而然地折服。Their personality bearing and the nobility of the character compels obedience naturally.

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当时的人们吃狗的证据确凿,令我折服。I was impressed by the strength of their evidence that people were eating dogs at this time.

你的强项是社交活动使人折服,你对身边周围的人少讲废话多干活来改善服务质量。Your strong community beliefs and no-nonsense approach improve services for those around you.

1994年4月,18岁的劳娜初遇布赖恩·安德森,让他潇洒倜傥式的魅力所折服迷住。WHEN 18-YEAR-OLD LAURA first met Brian Anderson in April 1994, she was captivated by his charm.