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明度水平影响辨识的效应。The influence of changing brightness.

诀?就是辨识诊断出中风的问题。The trick is how to diagnose a stroke.

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带神经网络辨识器的鲁棒控制器设计。The design of robust controller with NN.

人员辨识、门禁管理。Personnel identification, access-control.

是关于辨识正确的问题。It is about identifying the right questions.

你将永远能够辨识掩藏的情绪。You will always recognize concealed emotions.

辨识出你所见之物,并不能告诉你所在位置。Identifying what you see does not tell where you are.

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留学生会由于在这些方面辨识不清而产生偏误。Foreign students tend to make errors in these aspects.

环境政策的应用范围须能辨识。Its area of application should be clearly identifiable.

我们以隐藏式马可夫模型为每种被辨识的动作建立模型。We use HMMs to model each action types to be recognized.

无尘室门禁管理、人员辨识。Dust-proof room access control and person identification.

这说明面孔辨识能力是可遗传的。This suggests the ability to recognize faces is heritable.

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基因究竟是如何影响辨识能力尚不清楚,坎维舍说道。It’s unclear how the genes affect recognition, Kanwisher said.

请到育婴室帮访客辨识你的婴儿。Please go to the nursery and identify your baby for the visitors.

警察说,女服务员已经在嫌疑犯名单中辨识出他就是罪犯。Police say the maid has now formally identified him in a line-up.

她高亢音调的声音即使在吵杂的人群中还是很容易被辨识出来。Her high-pitched voice is easily recognized even in a noisy crowd.

至于换羽,我认为那是辨识灰林银鸥成鸟很有用的特征。As regards moult, I think it is very useful for adult Heuglin's Gull.

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耐吉的「斜勾」图案是全球最能被辨识出的标志之一。The Nike "swoosh" is one of the most recognized symbols in the world.

他们说的语言尚未被辨识,而且他们只吃豆荚。The language they spoke was unrecognized and they ate only bean pods.

有时一个简单看的对象在晚上可能容易地被错误辨识。Sometimes a simple-looking object at night can be easily misidentified.