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可能是一银币。An obol perhaps.

你还有银币吗?Have you got any more dimes?

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他弯腰拾起一枚银币。He bent over and picked up a silver coin.

金盏花能够给你银币和金币。Marigolds give you silver and gold coins.

一角银币和分币都是辅币。Dimes and pennies are fractional currency.

他擅长用银币变戏法。He is good at conjuring with silver coins.

他发现那囗箱子装着银币。He found the chest to contain silver coins.

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箱子里满是白晃晃的银币。Lots of glittering silver coins were in the box.

我在羹汤中找到的,竟是一个银币?。What should I find in my soup but a silver coin?

你会说,这是用来装银币或者甲壳虫的。Room, you'd say, for a silver coin or a beetle bug.

第二种硬币是两角的合金银币。The second was a 20-cent coin made of silver alloy.

你会得到小马驹和100个达科特银币的。You'll have the foal and the hundred silver ducats!

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他张开手,露出了一堆宝贝似的银币。Opening his fist, he exposed a mound of silver coins.

“在一只鞋里放一枚六便士的银币”是一个对财富的祝福。"A Silver Sixpence in Her Shoe" is a blessing for wealth.

你能不能给我四个半克朗银币换这张十先令的钞票?Can you give me four half-crowns for this ten-shilling note?

拿一个银币给我看,这银币有谁的像和号?Show Me a denarius. Whose image and inscription does it have?

银币一再用铜币维隆来替代,实行贬值。The silver coinage was repeatedly debased with copper vellon.

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老人像变戏法似的从衣袋里掏出一包银币。The old man conjured up a bag of silver coins from his pocket.

我有四分之一的希伯来银币,你可以给他。I’ve have the quarter of a shekel silver, that you could give him.

但西班牙人是否就用那些进口的银来锻造银币?But did the Spanish actually use the imported silver to make coins?