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因为许多人北方的恩德斯它依然是。For many North Enders it still is.

总有一天我会报答你对我的恩德。I will repay your benefaction one day.

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恩德比乌干达南部城市,位于维多利亚湖畔。A town of southern Uganda on Lake Victoria.

总有一天我会报答你对我的恩德。Some day I will reciprocate your kindness to me.

我已着手出售恩德斯勒公馆。I have set the wheels in motion to sell Endsleigh Court.

范·登·艾恩德帮助她培养起一名竞争者所需要的头脑和精神。Van Den Eynde would help her develop a competitor's head and soul.

恩德乔桑表示其自传将在今后数月内出版。Ndesandjo said he would publish his autobiography in the next few months.

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我们新年能感恩旧年一切人所赐的恩德。We can be grateful to the graces that people did it to us in the last year.

“没有人会比欧洲人从中受益更多,”恩德斯最近说。"No one will benefit more from this than Europeans, " Enders said recently.

我平生一世必有恩德慈爱跟着我.我且要住在耶和华的殿中、直到永久。My goodness and mercy with me. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

泼恩德利的项目是全球几个隐形实验项目之一。Pendry's project is one of several around the world experimenting with invisibility.

能绘制色彩缤纷的壁画的恩德贝勒人说一种跟祖鲁语及班图语有关的恩格瓦尼语。Authors of colourful murals, Ndebeles speak a Nguni language, related to Zulu and Xhosa.

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在她小型却严谨的研究中,恩德雷德把40位参与者分成两组,各占20人。In her small but rigorous study, Andrade separated 40 participants into two groups of 20.

恩德比法官的个性,班纳克承认,对他的决定会产生一定的影响。Judge Enderby's personality, he recognized, had exerted some influence upon his decision.

这里八戒是时时记得观音曾劝他不要为妖吃人的恩德。Always remember that here is Journey to Guanyin urged him to refrain from eating demon Ende.

伯恩德·舒斯特尔已经确定了要先让一下欧洲杯时的大赛选手休息一下的打算。Bernd Schuster made it clear that he intends on resting his internationals fresh off the Euro.

津巴布韦官方语言是英语,地域方言包括肖纳语和恩德贝勒语。The official language is English, but regional languages such as Shona and Ndebele also are spoken.

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然而,恩德最神奇的地方是,它做了一些不曾学习过的工作。However, the most amazing thing about Endal is all the jobs he does that he was never trained to do.

虽然出生在中国,我的故乡却是朝鲜咸镜北道北部的恩德郡。I was born in China, but my home town is in EundeokCounty in North Hamgyeong province in North Korea.

但哈西恩德心爱的照明标志被保存,翻新,并重新装入一个拉斯维加斯街头。But the Hacienda's beloved illuminated sign was saved, reconditioned, and remounted on a Vegas street.