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电镀锡铅或焊锡铜线“,”Tin-Lead or Solder-Plating Copper Wire.

然后把磁体置于两瓣铜线之间。Then place the magnet between both fascias.

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在一枝笔上缠绕一圈绝缘铜线。Wind an insulated copper wire around a pen.

同时也介绍了万兆以太网的铜线标准。The copper cable standard is also introduced.

这种运动在铜线中感应出电流——电能。This motion induces a current in the wire—electricity.

现在我要努力,装进铜线。So I will now make an attempt to load down the copper wire.

前桅螺旋带伤痕。我用铜线锻造。The foremast bands spirally wound. I used forged brass wire.

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如果你把铜线缠绕在两个绕线板上,大约绕上200圈。If you coil copper wire around two fascias, for about 200 turns.

细小的光纤电缆取代了巨大的、以吨论的铜线。Thin fiber optic cable has replaced huge tonnages of copper wire.

轻薄的光纤电缆已取代了无数吨重的铜线。Thin fibre-optic cable has replaced huge tonnages of copper wire.

研究者们实际上是将纳米铜线放在一种水溶液中进行“培养”。The scientists actually grew the copper nanowires in a water solution.

裸线由蒸汽保护,以阻止裸铜线被氧化。The bare wire was protection by steam, so prevent copper bare wire oxidation.

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接着,他向左转身,沿着铜线向北面的方尖碑走去。Then he turned left and followed the brass line due north toward the obelisk.

为简单起见,用千兆铜线以太网电缆提供集群的内部连接。For simplicity, copper gigabit Ethernet cable provides cluster interconnection.

Dickason先生告诉我们,铜线价格近几年疯狂上涨。The cost of copper wiring, noted Mr Dickason, has risen dramatically in recent years.

数据从信号接收塔经由光纤和铜线流至交换站。Data bits flow from cell towers through fiber and copper lines to a switching station.

这些线是按客户的要求制作而成的镀锡或不镀锡铜线。These are manufactured according to the customer's requirement in tinned or untinned wire.

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到目前为止,面向混合光纤铜线系统架构的多住户单元系统解决方案需采用多个芯片才能实现。Until now it required a multi-chip solution to build an MDU system for the HFC deployment.

Rosen在他的实验室地下间用铜线和铝片DIY了他自己的MRI。Working in his lab’s basement, Rosen built his MRI from copper wire and sheets of aluminum.

步行到酒店门口,拿起铜线位于拱门支柱的权利。Walk to the hotel entrance and pick up COPPER WIRE located to the right of the archway pillar.