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那是你身中的医士,医治你病躯的苦药。It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self.

僧侣和医士研究梦,以寻求病因和治疗方法。Priests and medicine men studied dreams to learn the cause and cure of sicknesses.

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一些非洲医士将疾病归咎于巫术,这可能会导致病人受到其他人的排斥。Some African healers blame illness on witchcraft, which can lead to ostracism of those accused.

但是正因为医士显然不愿意让他走进病房,罗斯托夫硬要走进士兵的病房。But just because the assistant was obviously disinclined to let him go in, Rostov went into the soldiers' ward.

坦克是必然更加趋同虽然比医士,因为你可能只有2-3人在您的群组。Tanks are necessarily more homogenized than healers though because you might only have 2-3 of them in your group.

穿过走廊后,医士把罗斯托夫领进军官病房,病房有三个房间,房门都是敞开的。THE ASSISTANT walked along the corridor and led Rostov to the officers' wards, three rooms with doors opening between them.

然而,当您的油箱医士偷偷医治到突袭,这并非总是如此有用的,它有时被坦克打死。However, when your tank healers sneak heals onto the raid, it's not always so helpful and it sometimes gets the tank killed.

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如果您需要5医士的LK公司的内容,你是最好使的多样性医士,因为你获得不同类型的爱好者和公用事业法术和自己的能力以及合作网。If you need 5 healers for LK content, you are better off bringing a diversity of healers because you gain different kinds of buffs and utility spells and their abilities mesh together well.

这主要表现在医生的派遣,治疗方法的成熟,蒙古医士的特色医疗方法,药材的选购以及抚恤制度的完善等方面。This mainly manifested in the dispatch of doctors, the treatment of mature, Mongolia healers approach the characteristics of medical, the choose of medicine , the perfect of pension system and so on.

当芮妮邀请另一组医士来清洗她的家,她注意到,客人退出了在她家门前,但经过15分钟的敲门和打电话的门铃。When Renee invited another group of healers to come and cleanse her home, she noticed that the guests pulled up in front of her house, but after fifteen minutes of knocking and ringing the door bell.