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妈咪,对不起。Sorry, Mommy.

——我知道,对不起。I know, sorry.

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啊,对不起。Whoops, sorry.

不要说对不起。Don't be sorry.

但--对不起!But -- so sorry!

凯,阿岱,我对不起你们。I'm sorry, Kiah.

萨拉,哦,对不起。Sarah oh, sorry.

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对不起,我之前忘了。Sorry, I forgot.

对不起,纳奥米!I'm sorry, Naomi!

对不起,小鸟。Oh! Sorry birdie.

哦哟,真是对不起。Oh, I'm so sorry.

,哦,对不起,是杆子。Oh, sorry, the rod.

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对不起,我有约在先了。Sorry, I'm engaged.

对不起,我不懂。Pardon, I don't dig.

对不起,常春藤的学生。Sorry, Ivy Leaguers.

对不起,打错了。Sorry, wrong number.

对不起,我需要它.Sorry,but I need it.

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对不起,新月。Execuse me, new moon.

对不起,我五音不全。Sorry, I'm tone-deaf.

那件事真对不起。I am sorry about that.