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他再一次地强令召回了波托马克河的部队。Once again, he had forced back the Army of the Potomac.

在美国,可以发传票强令互联网公司公开网络用户的身份。In the U. S. , subpoenas can force the disclosure of online identities.

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他以前经常和我们一起玩耍,一直到我们被强令去做额外的劳力。He used to always playgames with us, until we were ordered to do extra work.

既然FDA认为这种鱼是无害的,那么就不会强令其贴上特殊标识。So don't look for FDA to require a special label, if it gives the fish the OK.

低温生物实验室在被政府强令关闭后又将再度开启。The Cryobiology Laboratory is opening again after the government enforced closure.

并没有强令他缴付罚款,他在伦敦塔里也只关禁了四天。He was not forced to pay the fine, and he was kept in the Tower for only four days.

那些靠聒噪和强令来争论的人显示,他们的理性脆弱得不堪一击。He who establishes his argument by noise and command shows that his reason is weak.

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国会已开始就一项强令降低温室气体排放的议案展开辩论。Congress has begun debate on a bill mandating reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

直到1912年清朝灭亡,革命军强令所有人剪去长辫。The compulsory hair style lasted for more than 200 years until the revolution in 1912.

或许汽车被扣押后,警方会强令你驾车绕着街区转上几圈。Perhaps they make you drive the car around the block a few times after it has been seized.

他强令削减基地开支和军需获取量,在参谋长联席会议上激起了愤怒。怎奈一些资金又神秘地归回原处。He forced cuts in bases and procurement on the outraged joint chiefs, only to find some money mysteriously restored again.

在西欧,吉普赛移民在意大利遭燃烧弹袭击,在北爱尔兰首府贝尔法斯特惨遭屠杀,在希腊则被强令遣返。In western Europe Roma migrants have faced firebomb attacks in Italy, pogroms in Belfast and forcible evictions in Greece.

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当天夜里,梅林召来巨龙,用龙骑士的身份强令他传授自己救治莫甘娜的魔法。That night, merlin called dragon, with the identity of the dragon knights force he taught himself treatment morganas magic.

早在1997年,美国核管理委员会就曾强令此类患者必须在医院接受隔离治疗。Back in 1997, the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission had forced the hospital for such patients must be treated in isolation.

最后男孩们被逮到了,他们被强令用工作抵偿商店的损失,工钱每小时二十五美分。When the boys finally got caught, they were forced to pay for the goods by working at the store for twenty-five cents an hour.

我们菩提树专栏的记者就没那么幸运了,靠近景洪时,在他还为觑得景洪大坝一斑时,神经兮兮的警察强令他走开。Banyan had less luck. Near Jinghong nervous policemen ordered him to leg it before he got so much as a glimpse of the structure.

如果他或她离职超过五年呢,难道国会会强令规定工人单位要为出征的士兵预留工作吗?What if he or she is gone for more than the five years that Congress mandates employers must hold a job for a mobilized reservist?

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她认为消息来源保护法是"记者享有的一项特许权,使他们在政府机构或法庭强令作证时得以回避"。Daglish defined a shield law as giving a “privilege to a reporter to avoid testifying when compelled to testify by a government agency or court.”

美国之音联系到的一些布内尔居民报告说,他们目睹了武装分子开枪打死了一名没有遵守该地区被强令实施的24小时宵禁的平民。Residents in Buner contacted by VOA reported witnessing soldiers shooting to death one civilian who had disobeyed the 24-hour curfew imposed on the area.

伊朗军事力量最精锐的“革命卫队”强令伊朗各网站、博客删除所有“制造紧张”气氛的内容,否则会面临法律诉讼。Iran's most powerful military force, the Revolutionary Guards, is demanding Iranian Web sites or bloggers remove any postings that "sow tension" or face legal action.