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并且你喜欢它。And you liked it.

你能够想象在22岁的时候就自己当老板并且财政独立么?Could you imagine?

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并且跳所有的华尔兹吗?And all the waltzes?

并且我需要你的帮忙。And I need your help.

并且开始打造品牌。And, start brand-ing.

我觉得冷并且发抖。I'm cold and shivery.

并且你们从来不吵嘴!And you never quarrel!

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孩子让我们变得富有责任心、变得成熟稳重,并且更好的理解人生。understand life better.

并且磷发光了。And the phosphorus glow.

并且还有罗马在。And then, there is Rome.

并且在此制度下的税收是很重的He wanted huge taxation.

我觉得冷并且发抖。I feel cold and shivery.

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并且要保护资源。how we obtain our energy.

并且,孩子们没法要得太多。And kids can’t get enough.

不,亲爱的,去查一下并且读出来。No, honey, go and read it.

留心看着他并且照样做。Watch him and do likewise.

并且,死是通向神的门。And death is a door to God.

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并且家里一个苏也没有!And not a sou in the house!

并且我将永远不会成为真男人。And would never become one.

加入健身房并且真去活动!Join a gym and actually go!