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不幸的是,这种共识是错误的。Unhappily, this consensus is false.

这是他的一些共识,目标答案。Here are his common-sense, on-target.

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这是中印两国领导人达成的共识。This is the consensus of both leaders.

我觉得这种观念是大家普遍共识的I take it that the view is a familiar one.

你们看,我知道我们能在这里取得一些共识。See, I know we can get some consensus in here.

但是让我们看看上流人士之间的默契共识吧。But let us look at the common sense of upper ones.

它已经被各种各样的其他共识所代替。It's been replaced by all sorts of other consensuses.

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决议通过周会的共识产生。Decisions are made by consensus at the weekly meeting.

我认为共识不足以取代领导。I think consensus is a poor substitute for leadership.

由于"劳资"双方在球员限薪问题上分歧依旧,未达成共识,美国全国冰球联盟宣布取消2004-2005年赛季的全部比赛。National Hockey League cancels its 2004 and 2005 season.

九二共识强调,只有一个中国。The 1992 Consensus stresses that there is only one China.

在国际事务中有许多共识。Both sides share many consensuses in international affairs.

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孔蒂表示,他希望在6月前就协议达成共识。Mr Conti said he hoped to have agreement on a deal by June.

研其原因,速度耐力差已成共识。The reasons are due to the mismatch of speed and endurance.

至少他们曾在不应采取的措施上获得共识。There was, at least, a consensus on what should not be done.

但半咸共识似乎也把学生们排除在外。But the brackish consensus also seems to leave students cold.

这一点上,两党还是达成了共识。That is a bipartisan consensus effectively had been achieved.

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首先,我们就这一威胁的紧迫性和严峻性达成了共识。First, we agreed on the urgency and seriousness of the threat.

最后,我们之间达成了共识,我在礼拜日的时候可以自己开车去教堂。Eventually we agreed that I’d drive myself to church on Sundays.

我想达成共识了,感谢大家的。I think we've done the consensus. Thanks for your participation.