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种田苦。Farming is hard.

他们靠种田过活。They live off the farmland.

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“我喜欢种田,”他说。"I love to farm, " he says.

你现在开始种田了,哈?So you're homesteading , huh?

你看到那种田人的房子吗?Don't you see the farm-house yonder?

弗雷德靠种田勉强度日。Fred eked out a bare living by farming.

专家们正忙于科学种田。The experts are busy with scientific farming.

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如果收益都是他们的,你怎么会去种田?How can you farm if the profits will be theirs?

正如种田而没有播种,皆是空过人缘。There is no harvest to reap, letting opportunity pass us by.

如果你想得到好收成,就得用科学方法种田。You must farm scientifically if you want to have a good yield.

种田的收入不够好好抚养孩子的。The income from farming is not enough to properly raise a child.

那时节令很乱,弄得庄稼人无法种田。At that time making it to a mess and confused farmer can not farm.

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科学种田是进一步发展农业的关键。Scientific farming is the key to the further development of agriculture.

以农民为例,他们现在更乐于使用科学种田法。Take farmers as an example. They are now more fond of scientific farming.

那位科学家正在向农民示范科学种田的方法。The scientist is showing the method of scientific farming to the peasants.

他们将会因为沦落到从事非正式的工作或是返乡种田而陷于贫困。Poverty will rise as they sink into informal work or move back to the land.

直到三年前俺离开时,我们全家都还靠种田为生。We all lived and worked on the family farm, until 3 years ago, when I left.

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潮汕农民以精耕细作闻名,有种田如绣花之说。Chaoshan farmers to intensive famous, such as embroidery farming to speak of.

科学种田、科学养畜受到普遍重视和欢迎。Scientific farming and breeding of cattle has become highly valued and welcomed.

与此同时,种田也决定付出时间来为乐团写一首代表性的歌曲。Meanwhile, Nario decides to devote time to write a significant song for the band.