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所以它崩溃了。So it crashed.

黑莓崩溃?BlackBerry crumble?

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坏消息让我崩溃。Bad news bums me out.

固定两个意崩溃的错误。Fixed two ICO crash bugs.

它们确实喜欢崩溃。They do like to collapse.

如你所见,程序崩溃了。As you'll see, it crashed.

旧世界正在崩溃。The old world is crumbling.

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如果客户机崩溃怎么办?What if the client crashes?

但调整不代表着崩溃。But adjustment is not collapse.

何为服务器挂起和崩溃?What are server hangs and crashes?

我觉得这世界要崩溃了。I thought the world was falling aprt.

还记得1967年的留洋探索崩溃吗?Remember the market collapse of 1967?

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敌军在我军攻击下全线崩溃。The enemy crumpled under our attacks.

长期存在的牛市出现崩溃。The long-running bull market crashed.

二十岁时,他精神崩溃了。At age 20, he had a nervous breakdown.

最近Vioxx的崩溃证明了这一点。The recent Vioxx debacle bears this out.

中国抛售美国国债,美元崩溃?China throws the US debt-Dollar collapse?

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我要崩溃了并且不知道该做些什么。I freaked out and didn’t know what to do.

该和平协议目前正在崩溃的边缘。That deal is now on the verge of collapse.

在1886年时达到顶峰,之后就崩溃了in--it peaked in 1886 and then it crashed.