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请向我讲明你拒绝的理由。Please give me your reasons for refusing.

她跟他讲明,不能带他去见他父亲。She’s telling him that he can’t go with her to see his father.

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这些事你要讲明,劝戒人,用各等权柄责备人。These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority.

首先,我让朱莉讲明这个月她想让我做的事情。First I ask Julie to tell me some things she wants from me during this month.

乐广就向客人讲明了原因,使他明白杯中的蛇不过是弓的倒影。So he explained reasons for the snake is nothing but a heated bow of humanity.

演讲者设法讲明他的观点,但学生们却充耳不闻。The lecturer tried to drum in his viewpoint, but the students were not listening.

系唔系发生咗争嘈,有过唔开心,就讲明两个人唔合适?Has had the quarrel, has has been unhappy, explained two people are inappropriate?

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而且也有各种迹象讲明,赫我姆斯尾要体贴的是情报,而没有是政治。There were also indications that intelligence, not politics was Helm's primary concern.

作者在此的说法,措辞有意讲明起初上帝所设立的并非完全无瑕疵的。And the writer has the effrontery to suggest that something God initiated was imperfect.

公司的老板利特尔先生讲明了金女士的情况,然后说。The boss of the company, whose name was Mr Little, told the story about Ms King and then said.

一旦简单而在抛出诱惑的条件下,讲明了事实,那么就该要求艰难的事情了。Once you've told the truth, sweetened the pot, and kept it simple, it's time to ask for the hard things.

你雇他们时,一定要先小人后君子,讲明规格、要求与价格。When you hire them, you've got little after gentlemanly , clear specifications, requirements and prices.

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虽然我已详细地向他讲明了较短的路线,但那个不开窍的年轻人还是走远路来了。Though I had carefully explained the shorter route to him, the perverse youngster came by the longer way.

如果记者不能冒坐牢的风险来保护消息来源,应该如实讲明。If a journalist is not willing to risk facing time in prison to protect a source, he or she should say so.

待我们向其讲明情况后,他竟恳求我们协助做其妻子的工作,万万不可与他离婚。We begin stating our case to him. When we finished, he implored us not to allow his wife to divorce with him.

赶到后他质问为什么转院,阿唐讲明是为维护,达伟听后也承受了。After he questioned why upon relocating to confidently, o tang for maintenance, da wei is also under after listen to.

他们清清楚楚地念神的律法书,讲明意思,使百姓明白所念的。So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.

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我来到那个橱窗旁,一边哽咽着,一边讲明了我的来意,满眼含泪。I went to the window and as I began to tell my story, I could feel my throat tighten and my eyes overflowed with tears.

也为我祈求,使我得着口才,能以放胆,开口讲明福音的奥秘And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel

客人如果不能按时到达,应该打电话通知男主人或女主人,讲明原因,并说明什么时间能赶到。If the guest fails to arrive on time , he should call the host or hostess, telling them the reason and when he can arrive.