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吃了这些汤药,你很快会好的!Take there herbs, you will be well soon.

天空翻搅着,飘着小雨,我们像是迷失在巫婆熬的汤药中一样。The sky roiled and spit as if we were lost inside some potion.

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吃了不少的汤药,大部分都是止血的。Eat a lot of him for the medical expenses, most of which were bleeding.

神农尝百草,伊尹创汤药后,中医药与食物便有不可分的密切关系。Chinese medicine had very close relationship with food since ancient time.

将大黄和甘菊一起煮沸再用文火炖,熬成汤药。Make an infusion by boiling and simmering the rhubarb and camomile together.

吃汤药吧,一个月,还没见着效果呢,胃就受不了,只得叫停。Eat soup, a month, also did not see effect, stomach can not stand, had to stop.

汤药配方很伟大,但对人体的健康呢?你不如问一个水管工!Great for soup recipe info, but for human health? You'd be better off asking a plumber!

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就在北京鼓楼附近的中医院里面,喝汤药也行。Drum Tower in Beijing Chinese medicine hospital near the inside, soup medicine is required.

柳细腰端着煎好的汤药进来,盯着韩珊困难地将汤药喝下。Liu thin waists carry Fried good herb tea came in, staring at HanShan difficulty will drink next.

所以,什么才会扭转形势?另一场战争,或喝点急救汤药。So, what is happening to help turn things around? Talk of yet another war. Talk about drinking the cool-aid.

要替父母亲先尝药汤,如果汤药的温度与苦味,调理好后再给父母喝。Before giving such medicine to one's parents, a child should taste it first to make sure it is not too hot or too bitter.

王俊见四喜久病不愈,自制汤药给四喜服用,四喜喝完药后却更加兴奋癫狂。Wang junwork see four xi will accordingly, homemade liquid form giving four xi, four xi is more excited after drink this medicine madness.

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目前治疗肥胖病的方法多种多样,如西药、手术、针灸、汤药、按摩治疗等。There are varieties of treatment for obesity, such as western medication, operation, acupuncture, Chinese traditional medicine, and massage.

刘海若一共使用了7丸,随后的药物以汤药、中成药为主。Bang was like altogether to use 7 pill, subsequently medicaments with a decoction of medicinal ingredients, medium officinal give priority to.

两组均采用基础治疗,包括补充钙剂和汤药准备阶段。Both treatment and control groups were treated with basic treatment including calcium supplementation and preparation stage with herb decoction.

佳期痛哭著枸杞准备了五碗汤药,然后以身试毒,杜参欲阻止她,她坚持要救回一元,还有佛山市的市民。Ritual and the Chinese wolfberry prepared five herb tea bowl, and then try to poison, du t to stop her, she insisted on to save the yuan, and foshan city residents.

梅乙鹤给这些病人开了一个中药方子,病人们服下汤药之后都见好转,梅乙鹤又给了王小红一个新的方子。MeiYiHe to these patients opened a never-failing Chinese traditional medicine, patients take liquid form after better see, MeiYiHe gave WangXiaoGong a new prescription.